(no subject)

Feb 11, 2009 06:48


Really it starts off innocently. Travis climbs into Disashi's lap simply because he is feeling a little lonely. Bill stops by the tour, but they decided months ago to stop hooking up. when they both get drunk in the club and make their way back to the hotel, Bill goes back to his own room.

Travis wanders into his room where the guys are playing what looked like a rip off of Halo 3. Disashi apparently has next and is sitting in one of the barely comfortable armchairs in the room. All the other spots on real furniture is taken.

Travis would sit on the floor but he is a little drunk and wants to make sure he makes it to his bed sometime tonight. So that clearly leaves sitting on Disashi's lap.

"Um, what are you doing?"

Travis has really long legs so it is kind of hard to pull them up into the chair. He tries anyway and snuggles into Disashi's neck.

"You're kind of heavy."

Travis pushes Disashi in the arm lightly. "Yo, I used to be pudgy, you bastard. I'm sensitive about my weight." He doesn’t bother lifting up his head though. For a small guy, Disashi is kind of comfortable. And he definitely has more cushioning than Beckett's bony ass. "You're like one of those body pillow joints."

He feels Disashi's eyes rolling and feels the expansion of his chest as he inhales to sigh. "You're fucking drunk."

Travis chuckles. "No shit, son. What do you do in bars 'Sashi?"

Someone totally murder death kills another player on the screen and Travis gets distracted watching the game.

Eventually Disashi's legs start to lose their feeling and he tries to push Travis off his lap. "My legs are falling asleep. Get off."

Travis moves around trying to help Disashi's circulation. That's all.  "Dude, I didn't ask to be six foot plus. Besides I'm not heavy--" there someone on one of the beds snorts. "I'm thick and juicy."

He levels the room with a serious death glare when his rat bastard of a band burst out laughing. Someone's character is accidentally killed by a monster or a ninja on the screen. Its probably karma for being a d-bag so Travis doesn't feel pity.

Disashi puts some muscle behind his efforts--he's secretly been working out or something--and actually manages to push Travis to standing. At least shit isn't swaying anymore.

"Thick and juicy?"

Travis stretches so that his t-shirt rides up a little. "That's what Bill used to say."

That was a pretty rude eye roll. "Wow. Big surprise."

Travis glares again--people are not properly afraid of the glare. "Hey, he said he liked how heavy I was on top of him."

"Pause!" comes from De Jesus.

Now Travis is angry. "No fucking pause man. You gotta problem with that?"

Now the room is kind of quiet. And everyone might be staring at him. But really...are they the last people on earth to think he wasn't fucking Bill?

"Whatever motherfuckers. I'm out." He makes for the door and no one moves so he really leaves.

He's down in the lobby with his legs sprawled out on the almost long enough sofa scribbling angry rhymes about his band on a napkin when a hand taps his shoulder. He doesn't jump because he's not a pussy. But he is slightly startled.  It’s Disashi. Which is kind of surprising because, while Travis thinks that Disashi is the shit and won't hesitate to tell other people, sensitive conversations isn't something they do.

Disashi pushes his legs to the ground and takes a seat on the couch. He doesn't speak at first. Just spreads out and takes up some space.

Travis gestures to where their legs almost brush now. "Aren't you afraid the gay cooties are catching? Don't sit too close."

"Don't be a dick," Disashi has the nerve to sigh at him.

"Me! Yo--"

"They didn't know about you and Bill. You surprised them. This isn't My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy. We don't do homoerotic subtext."

Travis snorts because really that's not something *he* didn't already know all to well.

Honestly, he’s molested half of the damn label and the guys just write it off to all of the weed, liquor and other illicit substances he’s known to partake in.

Disashi slips a hand into Travis's hair and tugs. "Come on. You're emo-ing all over the lobby."

They stand up and make for the elevator bank.

"I'm the lead. That's my job."

Disashi doubles over laughing, holding onto the front of Travis's shirt for balance. "You've been hanging out with Wentz too long, homey."

"Homey? Who even says that anymore 'Sashi?"

The elevator doors open and an older white couple (man and woman) gets out. They're pulling suitcases behind them. And based on the look on the woman's face, Travis thinks that Disashi is being misinterpreted.

Travis clears his throat to warn Disashi, who straightens up quickly. He grins widely at the couple and pretends to play with Travis's zipper.

"Sorry. Sometimes you just can't wait." Another big wholesome grin and he's pulling the disturbed Travis onto the elevator behind him. He wraps himself around Travis and waves good-bye to the couple as the doors close. The woman's mouth is still hanging open when they slip from view.

Inside the elevator a confused Travis--who promises never to mix liquor when drinking with Bill again--stares down at the top of his guitarist's head. "You kind of have to press a button for the elevator to go somewhere."

Disashi is still holding onto him, arms wrapped around his waist and head pressed against his chest, when Travis leans over to press their floor. They start to move and Disashi still doesn't let go. "I'm sorry about you and Bill, man. I know it wasn't only about fucking around for you."

Travis swallows, because really he isn’t sober enough for this conversation. "I thought you didn't do homoerotic subtext."

There is a thick silence in the cabin. Ding! The doors start to open and Disashi finally steps back. "I meant they. I pick up on it pretty easy." And then he's walking out and down the hall leaving a very stunned Travis to shuffle behind.

Because honestly, he might not be all over Disashi like he is the other guys--seriously how could they not pick up on the signals--but he's definitely climbed into this dude's lap more than once. Definitely been high and tried to curl up behind him when they're watching movies. Walked up behind him and inappropriately touched his muscular back and played it off as a joke.

They walk past Travis's room where he can hear the videogame marathon still going on. A couple doors later and they're at Disashi's door. Disashi's checking all of his pockets looking for the keycard and Travis is standing maybe too close. Disashi goes to check his back pockets and unintentionally brushes against Travis's straining zipper.

Another brush and Travis groans and now he's pressed up against Disashi's back. His hands are pressed against the doorframe trying to keep from touching the shorter man. Because seriously they are down the hall from the rest of the band and half their crew. And Travis couldn't explain this to anyone who would ask.

"Find the fucking key."

Disashi laughs and pulls his hand from his back pocket. He rummages through the front pocket of his hoodie and pulls out the card.

Sometimes if you weren't careful you could forget that behind the wholesome smile Disashi was a devious motherfucker. Travis would not be hoodwinked again. Okay, well maybe, if it lead to more groping.

Travis is barely through the door when Disashi pushes him up against the wall. Deceptively strong bastard. His mouth is pressed rather persistently against Travis's own. His tongue is darting in past lips and teeth and stealing a groan from somewhere deep in Travis's chest.  Travis places his hands on Disashi's hips, trying to drag the other man closer, pull him deeper into himself if at all possible. But Disashi doesn't budge keeping a sliver of space between their bodies.

Travis growls but Disashi only responds with a chuckle and a nip at his bottom lip.

This (and the wedding ring on Ashlee's hand and bun in her oven) is the exact reason why Travis and Pete are now "just friends." This whole above the waist bullshit was annoying.  Fun for the moment...fuck yes. But Travis still wound up jerking off alone in the shower at the end of the night.

Travis drops his hands and settles back against the wall. Make out only sessions might be annoying but seriously he's surprised that this is even happening and won't fuck it up by making too many demands.

As soon as he stops trying to direct Disashi's hips they push forward. Contact.  This time Disashi moans as well.  There is no doubt that Disashi is as interested in this encounter below the waist as well.

Disashi's hands are on his wrists now, holding his arms against the wall. His thumbs stroking absently at Travis's skin. It has been a while since Travis was last devoured like this. He doesn't remember liking it this much.

Disashi has started up a gentle rocking motion with his hips that is slowly driving Travis insane. His own hips jut out to meet Disashi's and he whimpers in the back of his throat with each brush. He would be embarrassed about being this fucking easy but seriously he woke up this morning half hard thinking he was going to have some mind blowing sex. His body has been waiting all day for this.

"Come on."

Now Disashi is pulling him into the bathroom. His hands reach from the belt slung loosely around Travis's hips. Unbuckle. Unzip.  And now Travis's pants are falling to the ground. Next his boxers. Finally the t-shirt and undershirt. Until he is left with nothing but a smile.

"Get in."

Travis is naked in the bathtub with no water running. Disashi is fully clothed and watching him with that damn smirk. Luckily is Travis is a confident type of dude and is in no way intimidated by Disashi's freakish man stare. Nope. He just leans back against the tile and starts stroking himself with a smirk. Like you know this is where you want to be.

Disashi is chuckling again. But he's also taking off his clothes so Travis is willing to ignore that shit. He is so so seductive.

Now they are both naked in the tub and Disashi's hand replaces Travis’s. Jerking off is like a million times better when someone else is doing it. The calluses on Disashi's fingers feel smooth and rough alternately on his skin.

Travis leans down to catch Disashi's lips but the smaller man avoids him and nips at the tattoo just above his collarbone instead.

"Fuck." Travis growls and tries not to move because apparently ‘Sashi has a thing about controling this whole situation. Usually Travis is the one in control but that's more the nature of his size, mannerisms, and other people's expectations than an actual preference. [[God, so hot]]

Disashi rewards his efforts by slipping down to his knees and surrounding the head of Travis's cock with his mouth. He doesn't take the entire thing in just sucks lightly at the tip and it is seriously driving Travis insane. His hips burn with the need to push forward, further inside the wet heat of Disashi's mouth. But now ‘Sashi's hands are pressed against his hips pressing them back against the wall.

Travis brings his right hand up to his mouth, biting down softly at the space between his index and thumb. The slight rush of pain distracts him from the urge to grab ‘Sashi by the hair and fuck his mouth senseless.

Disashi's hand is gone from his hip. It’s moved to the small of his back and is slowly creeping further down. Not hesitant like he's worried that Travie won't be into it. Travis is pretty open when he’s drinking so ‘Sashi knows that it wouldn't be his first time. No, he goes slow just to torture Travis.

Slow enough for Travis to know what he's doing and start to ache for it.

Disashi's index finger brushes the tight pucker of his body just before Travis comes. He tries to strangle out some kind of warning noise but he was kind of surprised at that one and can really only throw his head back and groan loadly enough that some might consider it a yell.

In his post orgasm haze Travis barely registers Disashi repositioning him under the stream of water pouring out of the showerhead. The water collects in his hair and spills down his back. The water pressure feels good against his skin and Disashi's now massaging the muscles in his back with soapy hands.

Travis rests a hand on Disashi's shoulder for support but his body has other ideas. And soon he's stroking up and down Disashi's chest. Unlike  Bill, Disashi's ribs are covered by a layer of muscle and fat. He's caught up in the visual of his thumb playing with Disashi's nipple that he's almost caught by surprise when ‘Sashi slips his right hand further down.

Travis's hips stutter forward at the breech of Disashi's finger and then push backwards trying to take more inside himself. It's been a while since he's done this part. But he likes it. Maybe likes it more than what will come next.

Soon Disashi's adding another finger. Travis whimpers at the unexpected girth of his fingers, at the almost-burn it causes.

"You like that?"

Travis would curse the smug bastard out but he's busy biting his lip to keep any more embarrassing sounds from escaping his mouth. Disashi increases the pace  with that devious smirk on his face again. But Travis isn't going to break. Yeah he's practically fucking himself on ‘Sashi's fingers… but he's not going to letting out the scream caught in the back of  his throat. Small victories.

Travis is pretty sure that he hasn't had this kind of recovery time since he was fucking fourteen. His cock is leaking and he's pretty sure that he's going to come again from nothing more than the fingers Sashi's pounding into him with.

"Turn around and face the wall."

He gasps at the sudden emptiness in his body but quickly does as he's told. He spreads his legs further apart and arches his back a little not caring about how it looks.  The fingers are back but now there are three of them. He braces his arms against the wall for leverage as he pushes back to meet each of Sashi's thrusts.

"You look good like this."

Disashi's other hand is pressed between his shoulder blades, making him bend over even further. Travis’s head is resting against the wall now, his hands outstretched above his body, palms spread wide. At this angle Disashi's fingers brush up against that spot inside him that drives him a little closer to crazy.

He’s very aware of the water streaming out of the showerhead now. Tiny rivulets of water form on his back and slip off his sides and down his tailbone. The water trickles between his buttocks to meet with the deep thrusts of Disashi’s hand.

As if he can read Travis’s mind, Disashi bends over and licks up one trail of water. The sensation causes Travis to shiver. He can’t really thrust back any harder than he already is, but that doesn’t stop his hips from trying. Disashi repeats the torture, timing the licks with his thrusts. Up and in.

His legs are starting shake from the effort to keep himself standing.  More importantly, his cock is throbbing and he wants nothing more than to reach down and stroke himself to freedom. It’s pretty clear though that he’s not the one in control right now.

“Please.” It’s only the second word he’s spoken since they entered the room. And it slips out in a whisper.  He’s afraid that ‘Sashi won’t be able to hear him over the water.

‘Sashi does hear, though. His hand free hand strokes down Travis’s side and slips around to his chest. He flicks one of Travis’s nipples before clamping it between his thumb and index finger.

“Come on. You can do this. Come for me.”

Travis releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He feels the tingle of orgasm start at his toes. Feels it working its way up his legs until it’s worming up between his ribs and into his chest where it promptly explodes.

He probably yells. Scratch that. He knows he howls. But he honestly could give a shit because this is the best feeling that his fried brain can remember. His legs give out about thirty seconds after his vision clears and he sinks to the bottom of the tub. Disashi manages to turn the water off with one arm still wrapped around him.

Once Travis is himself again can feel Disashi still hard cock pressed up against his back. “Come on man. Let’s dry off. It’s my turn to have my way with you,” Travis says.

Disashi doesn’t fight him this time.

disashi, travis is the reason i got into bandom!, gch, fic, sosodirty

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