(no subject)

Sep 21, 2007 17:09

In the Midst of Death part 2/?

M’Preg, affronts to canon, AU, h/c. Yes, I am playing appalling games with time lines, journey routes and possibilities and causing every other sort of affront.

Aragorn stood at last and moved to a table which had been set up with the meager supplies the field could supply. Meager they were but they represented the best that there was. All had given generously of what little they had when they heard for whom the aids were intended. Fresh water they had in plenty and that was the thing most needed by both hobbits - or rather - by all three hobbits. Food stuff would have to be broth or light soup. Nothing too taking on delicate stomachs long deprived of proper hobbit substance. Aragorn made a mental note to ask if Legolas had any of the elven way bread left and to see if any fruit could be gathered to make pulps.

He was turning over some dried leaves in his hands gauging the quantities to be used to make an infusion for Frodo when he heard a weak moan from behind. In a moment he was back by Frodo’s cot, for, beyond all hope that was where the noise had come from.

He took the uninjured hand in his and held it gently as he placed a hand to Frodo’s forehead. “Frodo, my friend. Can you hear me?”

“Arag…” the voice was a thin, pitiful whisper and Aragorn reached for a cup of water. He lifted Frodo’s head with infinite care. “Sip slowly.”

As it was Frodo could barely swallow a mouthful of water and part of it ran down the corner of his mouth. “Sam, give Sam… water.” He croaked.

“You and Sam both will have all the water you want. See, he lies beside you and is sleeping safely.”

Frodo seemed unable to turn his head but his brow furrowed and the hand Aragorn held twitched and seemed to want to draw away but lacked the strength.

“Frodo, nod if you can understand me.”

Frodo managed a slight nod.

“You and Sam are safe. The battle was won and Middle Earth saved. We are doing everything we can to help you and Sam. But, Frodo, I must ask. Do you know about the child?”

For a moment Aragorn watched as Frodo screwed his eyes shut and took in as deep a breath as he could. “Dead?”

“No, Frodo,” Aragorn hastened to reassure. “Your child is alive. But how did it happen? How long ago?”

“Shortly after we left you.” Aragorn had to give Frodo another sip of water, and this he managed with more ease.


Frodo opened his eyes and the pain in their blue depth struck at Aragorn. “We met some riders… he was so kind, so gently. In exile from his people. As lost as we were. We loved. But he is… dead now.”

“I am sorry,” Aragorn reached out for a wet cloth and soothed it over Frodo’s face. “If you can tell me his name I will ask for him. Some one may know where he lies if that would be of comfort to you.”

Frodo turned his head away closing his eyes again. A sob shook him. “My baby, Aragorn, save my baby!”

“I will do all I can for you both,” the healer king promised.


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