to make up for being mean to Lilybaggins....

May 11, 2007 17:28

Lover’s Partings
M’preg. AU.
In Gondor after the War of the Ring Frodo and Eomer fall in love and a child is conceived. No exams here - just a bit of comfort for Lily - I mean Frodo.
Unedited crack fic.

“He will be back sooner than you think.”

Frodo did not take his eyes from the vast field below into which the Horsemen of Rohan, their new King at their head, were fading.

Eomer was a man of passion who was not afraid to express his feelings. There had been tears in both eyes when they had made their partings this morning.

Aragorn had sought out Frodo and found the hobbit standing in a window alcove looking out onto the fields of Pelennor. He had thought to leave the hobbit to himself but the diminutive figure looked so forlorn that he could not in good conscience do so.

“Come along,” Aragorn beckoned Frodo. “You are coming with me.”

“Where to?” Frodo sniffed and searched his pockets for one of his new handkerchiefs. Bilbo had been right, it was the small things like pocket-handkerchief’s you missed most on a journey, that and pipe weed. Now though, Frodo would have given all the pocket handkerchiefs, yes, and all the pipe weed in Middle Earth just for one more kiss from his lover.

“You are coming to have tea in my chamber,” Aragorn said. “I know for a fact everyone else is busy, on duty or exploring. Arwen is cooped up with her ladies and there are only the two of us about. We can have tea and a chat.”

“And do I get to watch you smoke?” Frodo asked with a raised eyebrow.

“If you are lucky,” Aragorn teased. “But you are not to go near a pipe yourself in your condition.”

“My condition…” Frodo echoed. “And off rides the man responsible for’ my condition’ and leaves me to suffer without.”

“He has his kingdom to set in order and many preparations to be made. You know that,” Aragorn shortened his stride to cope with Frodo’s shorter legs, and with the odd gate the hobbits pregnancy was already giving him. Six month on and Frodo was already waddling like a … Aragorn could not think of anything suitable. “He will return within a month to collect Théoden and I think their might be room in the wagons for a hobbit or two. We will all travel with you as far as Rohan, and see you comfortable settled in your new home.”

“I know,” Frodo sniffed. “But I miss him so already.”

Aragorn laid a hand on Frodo’s shoulder. “I know it is hard. But think, soon all you days will be spent together. And you will have a third companion too.”

Frodo patted his stomach. “I know you are right.”

Reaching Aragorn’s suite the King sent his servants for food for two and then knelt himself to build up the fire. There was a chill in the air today and rain in the sky. After a long sunny spell it felt almost like a return to winter. The greyness of the skies matched the hobbits mood.

Frodo gazed moodily into the fire, but he soon averted his gaze. Watching the flames dance and making up stories about what he saw there had once been a favourite occupation with Bilbo, but now he did not feel like watching them. Flames had too many unpleasant memories now. The rattle of crockery brought him back and he smiled a little wanly when he saw a steaming mound of mushrooms on toast being uncovered. Despite himself he found he was hungry and looking forward to eating.

“You stay where you are,” Aragorn ordered as he set a tray for Frodo and then brought it over to set it on the hobbit’s lap.

“Thank you. This does look lovely,” Frodo said gratefully.

Aragorn took a plate for himself and drew a footstool up to sit before the fire. “And to think,” he said, “That once I did not like the taste of mushrooms.”

“I remember Pip being so shocked at that he fell off the log he was sitting on,” Frodo smiled. “You just needed Sam to cook them for you the right way.”

“I shall be forever indebted to hobbits,” Aragorn smiled back, glad to see Frodo more cheerful.

They ate together, chatting a little about strange meals they had taken together. “Do you remember that meal Gimli cooked for us?”

“Which he told us was a dwarven delicacy.”

“And which turned out to be frogs.”

“It was the only time I saw Pippin refuse seconds.”

“Well, he used to keep frogs as pets back home.”

“Or that bright green soup Legolas made which turned out to be some tree fungus or other.”

“Now that was delicious.” Frodo laughed but in mid laugh his eyes went misty again and he set his plate aside.

“O, Frodo, my dear friend. Believe me I do know what it is like to be separated from your love. But you know yours will soon return to you.”

Frodo sniffed. “I know I am being silly. But what if there is trouble? There could still be orcs or wild men, or any sort of danger.”

“He has armed warriors with him. And he is their King now and would not be let into any danger.”

“Théoden was their king and he is dead.”

“It is not the same Frodo and you know it. There are no more fell beasts. Eomer is a strong warrior and a horse master at that. And he would not want to return to find you pale and thin.” The compassionate understanding in Aragorn’s voice was too much for Frodo and he burst into tears. In a moment Aragorn had picked him bodily up, sat down in Frodo’s chair and settled the hobbit onto his lap.

“I’m not a child!” Frodo hiccupped in protest.

“No, but your pregnancy makes your feelings all the closer to the surface.” Aragorn rocked the distraught hobbit. “Do you want me to send a rider after them? Call Eomer back?”

Frodo sniffed mightily. “No, that would be silly.”

“Are you calling the new King of Gondor silly?” Aragorn teased.

“NO, only myself. For I know I am being silly.”

“You may be as silly as you want,” Aragorn said. “Did you know that that first night out of Rivendell I cried?”

“You did?” Frodo blinked up in astonishment.

“I did not think I would ever see Arwen again. That I would die on the quest or that she would leave Middle Earth forever.”

“And now you are married to her.”

“And now we are married,” Aragorn repeated. “And you and your Eomer will be together soon enough. And you must stop this crying and upsetting yourself and eat well and get lots of sleep and look after your baby.”

Frodo laughed. “You sound like my Aunt Esme. ‘Eat all your green’s Frodo and don’t strain your eyes reading’.”

“A very wise lady.” Aragorn smiled to see Frodo calmer. “And I am sure she would say, ‘and now wipe your eyes and blow your nose’.”

Frodo giggled. “That is just what she would say.”

“You see, Gondor has a wise King after all.”

Frodo rested his head against Aragorn’s shoulder and listened to the steady heart beat of his friend. Beneath the new smells of soap, there was still the old familiar scent of pipe weed and leather which had comforted him so many times on the quest. His crying had made him weary and he yawned and closed his eyes, just for a moment.

Aragorn sat by the fire and held Frodo in his arms. He smiled down at the face, calm now in sleep with the corners of the mouth turned up as they should be.

“I would not be parted from you if I could prevent it,” he whispered. “Edoras is gaining a great treasure, Frodo of Rohan.”


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