78 "House" icons (4x02 - The Right Stuff)

Oct 09, 2007 21:39

No anicons this time around, for the simple reason that I hadn't planned on making any icons this week at all. But then I started playing around with some caps anyway, 'cause I wanted to get ready for this week's ep (and I'm still trying to get used to the lighting this season... it is different, right??), and then I realized all over how utterly ( Read more... )

wilson, icons, huddy, cuddy, the right stuff, house

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Comments 13

nfr October 9 2007, 19:59:48 UTC
Waaa! I LOVE your icons! And I LOVE House x Cuddy! *__* Thanks! ^__^


book232 October 9 2007, 20:25:52 UTC
and then I realized all over how utterly stunning Cuddy was in this ep
Oh yes.
Love all your icons with the purple shirt. Gorgeous. ( Both Cuddy with that shirt and your icons. ;))


gutterflower_86 October 9 2007, 20:35:25 UTC
46 & 69 are breathtaking.


backtograce October 9 2007, 20:39:18 UTC
22 is awesome. Poor House. :(
Taking lots, as usual. Will credit when used.
Glad the show's back, because I love your icons! (And the show, of course...)


elliejgirl October 9 2007, 20:46:40 UTC
Lovely job. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

I'm only kidding. I think you've mastered the new lighting because Cuddy looks gorgeous and they don't looked washed out at all.


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