Nearly NaNo

Oct 02, 2007 08:50

I can't believe it's October already [laugh/flail] but at least this time I have a fairly free October to think about what I'm going to write for NaNoWriMo, and maybe even jot down some plot/character/worldbuilding notes ahead of time, unlike last year when I was thinking up a name for the protag on November 1st while staring at an empty Word file ( Read more... )

original fiction, nanowrimo, writing

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Comments 32

illiadri October 2 2007, 17:16:54 UTC
I'm definitely thinking of it doing it this year. Definitely. I have a vague plot bunny and if I get stuff done in the next two weeks that would leave two weeks to plan before writing commences. I did a load of research for a story much earlier this year and never started it but it's still buzzing about.

I've friended you over at angienano :D


angiepen October 2 2007, 22:00:26 UTC
Coolness -- give it a shot! :D



isiscolo October 2 2007, 19:08:22 UTC
I am NaNoNoWay! However, I will endeavor to finish my due South genderswap novel during November. Assuming I don't finish it during October. Oog.


angiepen October 2 2007, 22:01:06 UTC
Heh, we'll drag you in one of these days. ;)

I think you're the "friends" in this icon, though. [innocent humming]



isiscolo October 2 2007, 22:04:09 UTC
WTF, mate? OMG, get writing!

That icon is practically a novel in itself.


angiepen October 2 2007, 22:06:14 UTC
Isn't it? LOL! Someone on a community somewhere used it and I had to gack it. :D



liriel1810 October 2 2007, 21:04:03 UTC
I searched for you on the NaNo site last night, but it came up with 'no results' for my search. :(

I'm on as Liriel1810 there. How do I find you there to buddy you?


angiepen October 2 2007, 22:03:54 UTC
Something was weird with my login -- it wasn't taking my password and I had to have it mail me a new one so I could reset it, which of course took two hours because the bazillion people pouring into the site have turned the servers into arthritic gerbils. [laugh/flail] I think I buddied you once I was set up so try it again? It's hard to tell, though, since the user pages are new and there seems to be a bug with the buddy page; my profile says I have fourteen NaNo buddies but only one shows on the actual list. Everyone else I've checked only has one buddy too, no matter how many they're supposed to have. But I'm pretty sure I buddied you. If not, I will later. (Maybe it'll be a bit faster at 2am or something.)



liriel1810 October 3 2007, 07:34:07 UTC
I know! I gave up in disgust last night. It was taking forever to load a page. I saw that you'd buddied me as soon as I got on today (when I got home from work). I managed to add you, so go me! *grin*

It's a bit faster now, but not a great deal. I'm not sure if it's my stupid connection, which has decided to go spazo in the heat, or if it's just volume of traffic on the site.

BTW, I adore Mercedes Lackey too!


angiepen October 3 2007, 10:35:33 UTC
I'm still doing e-mail so I don't know whether it's any better now (at... 3:27am my time) but I'll go check as soon as I'm done here. [crossed fingers]

I adore Misty when she's doing her best work, which she doesn't always. :/ The classic example is the Gryphon series -- Black Gryphon rocks truckloads of socks. White Gryphon is very good, if not quite as good as the first one; coming from a heck of a lot of other fantasy writers, it'd be their best book, but not Misty. Silver Gryphon is mediocre at best. It's like she said, "Dang, I'm contracted for a trilogy? What the heck can I write?? Umm, umm, umm... aww, whatever." :P It'd be an OK (although still not great) book coming from a lot of other fantasy writers, but from Misty Lackey it's a severe disappointment ( ... )


mesnica October 2 2007, 21:25:27 UTC
I think I added you. The page is giving me problems :/ I'm Moraya over there.


angiepen October 2 2007, 22:04:45 UTC
I got a message that you buddied me and I buddied you back. I still can't see you on my buddy list, mind you, but you're theoretically there. :P



mesnica October 2 2007, 22:08:18 UTC
I managed to buddy exactly one person and have nano tell me so too. Everyone else, I'm just hoping I made it because I can't see them on my buddylist either. I'm just hoping they're adding a few more resources to the servers, because it's horrible at the moment.


angiepen October 2 2007, 22:23:21 UTC
Last time I looked at the front page, there was a message from Chris saying that they expected it to speed up in a while. It's just that so many people piled on all at once as soon as they opened up registration and the servers can't handle it. I didn't sign up till the second week of October last year, then wandered off and didn't start actually hanging around on the site until November, but I remember the first week of November being just as horribly slow. It sped up quite a lot, though, after that. It's those initial flurries -- first sign-ups and then starting to actually write -- that draw the rampaging hordes. :)

About the one-line buddy list, I think that's a bug rather than a slowness thing. These user pages are new this year and it looks like they still need to spray a few more shots of Raid into the code. They've got almost a month to do it, though.



chaosmanor October 3 2007, 06:28:06 UTC
I'm signed up, same user name as here for the NaNo site, and in one of the lj comms, I'm using my pro-name, but it's not like you don't know who I am, right?


angiepen October 3 2007, 10:43:41 UTC
You're the one person who actually shows up on my buddy list. :) Looks like they're carrying buddies over from last year, which is cool, but it was weird at first when I buddied Moraya and it popped me over to my buddy list and the only name on it was yours, LOL!

angienano is in wrimobuddies but it was... less than constructive :/ over there last year and I stopped hanging out partway through the month. Maybe I'm just missing some female DNA or something (since this is supposedly a typical female reaction according to the whole Men-Mars/Women-Venus thing) but when someone says in a public forum, "I have this problem, blah-blah-blah, explanation, expression of frustration" and I say, "Well, you might try this, or that might help, or if X is happening then sometimes Y is good..." I don't expect to be flamed and stomped on. [eyeroll]

But yeah, I know who you are and I'll keep an eye out for you. :)



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