Title: The Neckcloth Problem
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: SPOILERS for Crucible of Gold
Disclaimer: All characters and settings property of Naomi Novik, I'm just helping her torment Granby as best I can.
Summary: Granby has problems.
A/N: Dedicated to
duskyblueskies on her birthday, because neckcloths are important. Kind of connected to
The Neckcloth Incident,
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Comments 16
F L U F F & N E C K C L O T H S
*goes to read*
Aww Granby, poor baby.
"Thinking it best not to risk further harm to the neckcloth" lol, SAVE THE NECKCLOTHS! Laurence would, you know.
Granby doesn't need a valet, he has Laurence! Actually, Laurence would make a good valet, he would always make sure his "charge" looked presentable and dressed appropriately. Kind of like Jeeves, who always finds a way to get rid of the offending garment, shoud there be one. Or like that valet in Downton Abbey, who was scandalised and hurt when Cousin Matthew dressed himself (the horror!).
YAY \0/
Off course he would. They can't be wasting their precious neckcloths, now can they?
Lol, Laurence would totally be like Cousin Matthew's valet! And he'd go chasing after people with their neckcloths if they forgot to put them on because, say, their ship is on fire:P
The only thing I know about Jeeves is that I have the theme from Jeeves and What's-his-name on my iPod, because it was on one of your cd's. If that is the same Jeeves? I really like the theme anyhow.
From Jeeves and Wooster yeah, which is based on P.G Woodehouse's books. Jeeves is pretty much the quintessential valet who knows everything and quotes random poets and makes up plans to get Wooster out of trouble (because Wooster always in trouble, mostly other people's)
I kind of felt like reading those books after you talked about them today. Or maybe watch the show, it's easier.
He's not allowed a valet though, unless it's a very badly trained one. Aviators have to dress all rough and casual, so as to be sure and scandalise polite society (and make Laurence flail in mixed company). ;)
Such a cute fic. <3
Quite fun, the poor guy. xD
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