July blogathon #12: Where Would I Be If I Was Not Here?

Jul 15, 2010 09:39

When I was asking about topics for this series of blogs, one of the first suggestions that came up was vylar_kaftan's contribution - to tell about an alternate life I might have led (or wished to lead), something that I might have wished to do with my life if I had not set my feet on this writing path so long ago ( Read more... )

july blogathon

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Comments 4

dsgood July 15 2010, 18:00:27 UTC
Gigantic Prehistoric Whale Hunted Other Whales | LiveScience
Jun 30, 2010 ... Leviathan might have fed upon the high-caloric fatty blubber of such baleen whales to satisfy its nutritional needs as a top predator of the ...
www.livescience.com/.../gigantic-prehistoric-whale-hunted-other-whales-100630.html - Cached


dichroic July 15 2010, 18:15:27 UTC
Remind me, in whatever year we next see each other, to tell you about the Minke whales swimming around our kayaks, *playing* with us, in Antarctica. (Yes, I did go vote for you on that travel contest!)


kehrli July 27 2010, 04:39:36 UTC
When I went to Mexico with my family (between leaving Bellingham and arriving in Seattle), my parents decided we should all do one shore excursion together, and picked one that basically consisted of going out to some islands on a smaller boat, risking intestinal disease by drinking mixed drinks with local ice, and snorkling in salt water, which burns like hell if you get it up your nose ( ... )


anghara July 27 2010, 18:52:50 UTC
"If I forget everything else, I always want to remember the sight of a whale breaching right next to the boat, so enormous and so beautiful that for those few seconds it was free of the water, it was the only thing in the entire world."

I can believe it. I am deeply envious and awed...


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