also, some appropriate Spenser

Jan 11, 2010 19:11

Goe little booke: thy selfe present ( Read more... )

poetry: 16th century, dissertation, poetry, spenser

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Comments 9

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angevin2 January 12 2010, 01:24:26 UTC
Going to Tomis is not optimal for my career ambitions, no! Unless they need Shakespeareans.

Also, now they have pink buses.


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angevin2 January 12 2010, 01:27:01 UTC
I totally could!


ext_104773 January 12 2010, 01:38:33 UTC
When I sent off mine, I wanted to accompany it with Gavin Douglas's "Fuck off, little book" comment.

Breif burall quair, of eloquence all quyte,
With russet weid and sentence imperfyte,
Til cum in plane, se thow thow not pretend tha.53
Thy barrant termis and thy vyle endyte
Sall not be min; I wyll not have the wyte.
For, as for me, I quytcleme that I kend tha.
Thow art bot stouth. Thyft lovys lycht but lyte.
Not worth a myte, pray ilk man till amend tha.
Fare on with syte! and on this wyse I end tha.

Of course, in my dissertation, I discussed a poem where the author couldn't even be bothered to do that, and the book itself apologized for him. Seemed fitting.

Leaving that aside, however, huzzah! (Also, notice that Dr. M has made it impossible for me to start a sentence with however. It seems like disrespect to the dead to do it.)


angevin2 January 12 2010, 04:42:11 UTC
That one is even more hostile than Spenser's! I love it, and I had forgotten it.

I can't actually start sentences with "However" anymore either.


lareinenoire January 12 2010, 13:15:05 UTC
Does it make me a bad person that I still start sentences with 'However'? Not often, but sometimes for emphasis.


ext_104773 January 12 2010, 18:10:18 UTC
No, it just means that you weren't under the influence of Dr. M, who had a way of convincing you that you weren't to do that.

I mean, it is just a random holdover from Latin grammar and shouldn't be given that much weight, but . . . let's just say that he was fairly good at imposing his will when it came to specific finicky matters of style.


speak_me_fair January 13 2010, 15:29:14 UTC
Wishing it well on its voyage!


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