[NPM] today's poem

Apr 23, 2009 02:35

(Not Shakespeare: I did a Shakespeare poem this month and I don't usually repeat NPM authors, and anyway I will do a proper YAY SHAKESPEARE'S BIRTHDAY post later. After I have finished these lecture notes and gone to bed.)

The British Museum Reading Room
Louis MacneiceUnder the hive-like dome the stooping haunted readers ( Read more... )

national poetry month 2009, poetry: 20th century, poetry

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Comments 4

jaydeyn_sitari April 23 2009, 12:25:34 UTC

Ah, so true. *g* You really feel the weight of history at the British Museum. Despite the weird-cool ultra modern shiny sculpture that was just inside the entrance.



lnhammer April 23 2009, 14:43:09 UTC
Ah, good time for a dose of MacneiceLove. Thankee.



stagbeetle April 23 2009, 16:55:20 UTC
More Macneice love here.

I've literally just got back from the British Museum reading room. It's now used for exhibitions, since the reading room side of it has moved to the new British Library. I was looking at silk carpets and Iranian calligraphy, but that's knowledge and honey, too.


writerwench April 23 2009, 17:53:40 UTC
What a lovely poem. I so wish the new Reading Room was still like that - apparently it's now open to students and the constant susurrus of conversations, text messages coming and going, half-muffled chatter, and surreptitious munching/slurping makes the place a tooth-gnashing irritation.


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