so even though i LIKED the candid photo meme

Sep 22, 2008 16:24

Since I apparently enjoy the opportunity to look creepy and pallid on lj and all, I rather liked this alternative that the_red_shoes started and lareinenoire picked up, in which we all post pictures of our bookcases. Because I love pictures of books, even though these are not really very brilliant photos and you mostly can't read the titles.

my boooooooks )

photos, i have so long keepe shepe, booksluttery, bük pørn

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Comments 45

orts September 22 2008, 22:56:42 UTC
That's a mighty fine library.


angevin2 September 22 2008, 23:09:37 UTC
Why, thank you! :)


cisic September 22 2008, 23:05:03 UTC
I want that R2 poster!


angevin2 September 22 2008, 23:09:24 UTC
You can probably still order one from the RSC site...


reconditarmonia September 22 2008, 23:24:43 UTC
eee booooooooks!

(I used to take a photo of my shelf every month to see how it changed over time, but I've been neglecting that.)


saffronlie September 22 2008, 23:40:49 UTC
Oooh, so pretty!


hhw September 22 2008, 23:49:19 UTC
(see icon)

in addition to that wall, I have 2 feet of cookbooks, 2 feet of paperbacks I had as a child, 2 feet of library books, and 4 feet of assorted oversize tomes. And No. Books. In. Boxes. That last will probably change next year, but I've enjoyed it in the mean time.


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