today's poem

Apr 27, 2008 00:28

Because the alliterative revival is always fun. And so is onomatopoeia. This is a fairly well-known poem, but I don't have to post lesser-known poetry all the time. ;)

Swarte smeked smethes
Anon., 14th c.Swarte smeked smethes, smattered with smoke ( Read more... )

national poetry month 2008, poetry: middle english, poetry: 14th century, poetry

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Comments 4

tekalynn April 27 2008, 06:42:29 UTC
That's great! The alliteration and hammering rhythm are so effective.

And we complain about noise pollution nowadays.


writerwench April 27 2008, 08:31:09 UTC
Yeah... the 14C equivalent of traffic and football mobs and sirens and 24-hour factories.
Plus ca change, plus c'est le meme chose.


tekalynn April 27 2008, 09:00:44 UTC
Reminds me of the guy next door who does his car repairs at the oddest hours, actually. I've muttered similar things about him. (Nice guy, though.)


lnhammer April 27 2008, 18:17:23 UTC
I confess, I didn't know this one. I love it.



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