today's poem

Apr 24, 2008 01:02

I am evidently on a "modern poems about early modern subjects" kick.

Lady Ralegh's Lament
Robert Lowell

1618Sir Walter, oh, oh, my own Sir Walter ( Read more... )

national poetry month 2008, poetry: 20th century, poetry

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Comments 4

writerwench April 24 2008, 08:02:21 UTC
That was written - when? It's very, um, intense.


angevin2 April 25 2008, 03:52:58 UTC
1964, as per the Norton Anthology.


kip_w April 25 2008, 03:46:44 UTC
I have the impression I've said this here before, but what the heck -- it's one of the best videos ever -- the Fleischer-style animation for The Ghost of Stephen Foster!


angevin2 April 25 2008, 03:51:48 UTC
I've seen that video! It's one of the best ever, you're right.


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