today's poem (with bonus Dutch Masters)

Apr 07, 2008 00:36

Just to prove that I can still read Auden without thinking of someone's warm moist thicket.

Musée de Beaux Arts
W.H. AudenAbout suffering they were never wrong ( Read more... )

national poetry month 2008, poets: lgbtq, poetry: 20th century, poetry

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Comments 24

tree_and_leaf April 7 2008, 09:33:19 UTC
Thank you for reminding me that I like Auden when he's not trying to combine poetry with PWP badfic...


angevin2 April 8 2008, 00:09:55 UTC
Speaking of fic, somebody on arcadiaego's journal said it gave her an Auden/Jack Harkness plotbunny. I approve of this even if it was inspired by a text that is Unfortunate. ;)


(The comment has been removed)

angevin2 April 8 2008, 07:38:03 UTC
Doctor Who is the fandom for the historically-minded fangirl! And Jack is the little black dress of the entire universe. ;)


silk_noir April 7 2008, 11:24:33 UTC
What a fantastic poem. I'd never run across it. Thank you!


angevin2 April 8 2008, 00:10:07 UTC
You're welcome! :)


ann1962 April 7 2008, 12:16:39 UTC
I love that poem (important failure is perfect), but had never seen the Breughel before. Thank you!


hermionesviolin April 7 2008, 20:32:50 UTC
Huh. I read this poem in a class in college, and the prof made sure to show us a repro of the painting.


executrix April 7 2008, 14:12:07 UTC
It's like The Zeppo in BtVS--a reversal of what is considered the figure and what's the ground. Just that one little arm Not Waving But Drowning...


angevin2 April 8 2008, 00:08:36 UTC
I love how the title is "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus."


speak_me_fair April 7 2008, 17:04:57 UTC
It's been a tough weekend, and so this poem, that I'd almost forgotten about, brought tears to my eyes.

It is absolutely perfectly Auden - what a wonderful example of his work.

And damn it, now you're adding gorgeous pictures! It's turning into National angevin2 month, you star!


angevin2 April 8 2008, 00:07:54 UTC
I really, really approve of the idea of National angevin2 Month. ;)

And I'm glad you're enjoying the posts.


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