had I the vigor of my former strength when thou beheld'st me fight at Crecy field

Aug 12, 2007 15:33

Beth just sent me this rather alarming quote from an otherwise reputable article in a reputable journal (emphasis mine):
"Cheated of feature by dissembling Nature," Richard recreates the world around him in his own twisted image in parody of divine creation. By ruining God's image, he spitefully attempts to pay back the Maker of his own misshapen ( Read more... )

i hate temporal mechanics, crackpot theories, edward iii's overactive loins, hath not thy rose a thorn, richard iii

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Comments 10

sollersuk August 12 2007, 20:52:23 UTC
*headdesk* Write it! Write it!

(BTW, just got back from camping overnight a couple of miles outside Tewkesbury. The road from the motorway goes through the town and over the two rivers)


carandol August 12 2007, 21:50:20 UTC
Not just write it, write it as a Shakespeare play! With Dr Who in a cameo role...

Or am I being too demanding?


poisoninjest August 12 2007, 22:56:43 UTC
Richard: Fuck it. I'm so badass, I'm just gonna dig up people who've been dead for a hundred years and drag 'em around stage for awhile. 'Cause THAT'S HOW I ROLL, BITCHES.

There's nothing I hate more than stupid errors in R3 essays--especially this particular type of error, which seems to happen all the time. Richard didn't kill that many people, for God's sake. IT'S NOT THAT TOUGH TO KEEP THEM ALL STRAIGHT.


lblanchard August 13 2007, 03:44:37 UTC
Everyone has a brainslip now and again. I once referred to R3's big sister Margaret as the "Duchess of Brittany" and it was several readings before I found the error.


poisoninjest August 13 2007, 13:37:30 UTC
Well, yeah, that happens to everyone--but by the time it's been published, you'd hope that someone would catch the error...


poisoninjest August 13 2007, 16:16:36 UTC
The "Duchess of Brittany" wasn't, alas...


jaydeyn_sitari August 13 2007, 01:28:18 UTC

Okay, I'd LOVE to read this story! *g* carandol is right, the Doctor is the perfect time travelling excuse! :)



likeadeuce August 13 2007, 02:13:49 UTC
And now I totally want Richard III/Dr. Doom fanfic.


saltedpin August 13 2007, 15:04:35 UTC
Dude, I would read that so hard!


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