Better Know a Poet #1.2: Edmund Spenser, concluded

Jun 06, 2006 20:54

I composed the bulk of this post while listening to 28 Irish Pub Songs. I feel weirdly dissonant now ( Read more... )

better know a poet, man-eating livestock, spenser

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Comments 14

tiferet June 7 2006, 03:59:17 UTC
I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see one,

I'd rather see than be (part of) one!

Yeah, that takes on a whole new meaning now.


saffronlie June 7 2006, 05:26:55 UTC
Excellent. That feels like a nice epilogue, having sat my exam yesterday and now wondering if I shall ever meet with Spenser again. Thanks for such entertaining and informative posts. :0


anonymous June 7 2006, 05:28:22 UTC
You just rock.

11 days!


anomilygrace June 7 2006, 05:29:04 UTC
And that was me...WTF LJ WTF?


so_lily_briscoe June 7 2006, 14:12:20 UTC
Dude. Awesome. Thank you!!


Squishing the Irish! so_lily_briscoe June 7 2006, 15:03:48 UTC
Agh! I spoke too soon - this is still lovely, but what about the View?! It might not be "poetry," but it's certainly crucial to knowing the "poet." And important to e.m. British studies generally. Personal bias, perhaps - it's one of my favorite works by anyone, anywhere, ever. Also hilarious (e.g. the several-page harangue on the wearing of mantles). Come on, now. ;)


Re: Squishing the Irish! angevin2 June 7 2006, 18:44:03 UTC
I know, I know. I thought about it, but I don't really know it well enough to pick out good representative quotes, and -- well, I had just written 15 pages about Spenser that I did not have to write. I was tired, dammit. ;)


Re: Squishing the Irish! so_lily_briscoe June 7 2006, 19:36:40 UTC
I forgive you. I don't have an original edition in front of me, but in modern, one of my favorite moments for the benefit of all (on the degeneration of Old English into Irish, humoral anxieties, and miscellaneous linguistic chauvinism ( ... )


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