home and high -- dry and home -- drome --

Apr 18, 2005 19:22

I have officially survived my exams. Well, most of them. I still have orals. Assuming I passed the written section.

Then I went and consumed lots of beer. Hooray for beer.

ETA: Thanks so much to all of you for your continued support. You guys are awesome. :)

happymaking, beer, exams

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Comments 12

montjoy April 18 2005, 18:00:26 UTC
I think it's a safe assumption, personally. ;)

I spent the last couple hours trying to find something worth saying to a *victorious* Angevin in Shakespeare. You know I'm still looking, right? ;)


jb1234 April 18 2005, 18:02:31 UTC

I know that you utterly kicked ass. I bet that six years from now, you'll be known as the next Shakespeare. ;)


erstwhiletexan April 18 2005, 18:10:46 UTC
CONGRATS, Lea! <3! I will drink a toast to you tonight and wish you continued luck on your oral exams!


book_worm817 April 18 2005, 18:11:54 UTC
Way to go Lea! I'm pretty sure that you're past the writtens now. I've seen your posts. You know your stuff.

Now onwards to the orals! You'll be cleared and on your way to the research project before you know it! :)

Congrats! get some rest now, you deserve it!!


detroitfather April 18 2005, 18:15:52 UTC
Go you!


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