mine eyes dazzle

Apr 18, 2005 01:08

In precisely eight hours, I will be starting my exam.

I feel so woefully unprepared right now it's not even funny...


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Comments 23

montjoy April 18 2005, 05:59:19 UTC
Nous les aurons, chere amie! :)


lain_dolohov April 18 2005, 06:13:19 UTC
But wherefore do you droop? Why look you sad?
Be great in act, as you have been in thought;
Let not the world see fear and distrust
Govern the motion of a kingly eye.

:) I have every faith you'll do well.


possibilities April 18 2005, 06:28:23 UTC
Haha, tracked you down. The tumbleweeds and I wish you the best of luck. We'll be thinking of you today, but we all know you'll do awesome! Unprepared? Pah. You'll do fabulously.


jon3831 April 18 2005, 07:15:22 UTC
Good luck, godspeed, and give 'em hell!

I have every faith that you'll kick their collective asses.



suspect_terrain April 18 2005, 07:18:00 UTC
I think you're in there by now. Go, girl, go!


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