mine eyes dazzle

Apr 18, 2005 01:08

In precisely eight hours, I will be starting my exam.

I feel so woefully unprepared right now it's not even funny...


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Comments 23

bookslibretti April 17 2005, 23:16:24 UTC
I'm sure you'll do amazingly. Sadly, I have no icon space to wear the shield, but I still mean to support you! This is obviously something you love, and work at, and are good at, and I don't know how anyone could miss seeing any of those factors.

(Also, when you get home tomorrow, maybe I'll have my Edward II review!)


ghyste April 17 2005, 23:18:22 UTC
Unless you are lying in all of your LJ entries, I have rarely seen anyone work as hard as you do so I'm sure you really are prepared. Best of luck anyway!


anakamwaystar April 17 2005, 23:25:35 UTC
{{{{{{{{{Lea}}}}}}}}}}} Good luck!


rymenhild April 17 2005, 23:29:07 UTC
Very, very best of luck. (Because all the luck I wish upon you may return to my karma one day.)


aussiepeach April 17 2005, 23:32:44 UTC
Once more unto the breach, dear Lea! *cheers* Blackadder is right behind you.


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