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Comments 16

suspect_terrain April 14 2005, 10:51:06 UTC
I had to dig through your friends page to figure out what was going on, and I'm short default icons, but...

good luck Monday! Go, Lea, go!


angevin2 April 15 2005, 22:27:57 UTC
Thank you! :D


cataptromancer April 14 2005, 10:51:48 UTC
Exams on Monday? Break a leg.


angevin2 April 15 2005, 22:28:29 UTC
Does it have to be mine? ;)

Thanks for the good wishes.


slipstreamsurfr April 14 2005, 11:02:30 UTC
Good luck on Monday! You are going to do fine!


angevin2 April 15 2005, 22:28:57 UTC
Thanks! :)


eviltree April 14 2005, 11:10:51 UTC
When all fails,do it the ferengi way. Just bribe your prof. ;)

Good luck!


angevin2 April 15 2005, 22:30:02 UTC
I've got nothing to bribe him with, though! So I have to do it the hard way. ;)

Thanks for the good wishes.


sadcypress April 14 2005, 11:41:33 UTC
Oh wow! I didn't realise your exams were upon us! Well, upon you. Guess that's what happens when I don't talk to you for a month or so (shoddy state of affairs, that!). I'm sitting in the Bryn Mawr Classics library now, but when I get back, I'm all for joining in. :)


angevin2 April 15 2005, 22:31:56 UTC
Yeah, I haven't been on AIM much lately (or MSN, for that matter), which will no doubt change once I'm finished with exams. (As will DSP's current and total lack of production, but that's neither here nor there.) Thanks for the good wishes! :)


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