[NPM] today's poem

Apr 30, 2013 16:45

...I forgot to post one yesterday, but I was too sick and stressed. Sorry about that.

Now bernes, buirdes, bolde and blithe
Anon. English, 14th c.Now bernes, buirdes, bolde and blithe ( Read more... )

national poetry month 2013, poetry: 14th century, poetry

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Comments 4

eglantine_br April 30 2013, 22:34:58 UTC
I read it out loud, (not very loud,) to get the feel of it. it actually seems to make more sense that way. The sounds of the words make sense to the ear-- even if they look weird on the page.

They were way more matter of fact about death. saw a lot more of it, i suppose.

It seemed to me that this was an admonition to be a good friend, as well as a person of virtue, because you never know when you are going to go. But it was not sad, or gloomy, it was somehow...cozy.

Does that make me a little weird.

I get the same feeling from the 'farewell earth's bliss' poem by Nashe. (Maybe I am a little weird.


rymenhild May 1 2013, 02:00:57 UTC
I'd never seen that one before. How lovely.


angevin2 May 1 2013, 02:03:37 UTC
I've always really liked it -- I first encountered it in the Tolkien Gawain/Pearl/Orfeo translation, where it appears as an appendix under the title "Gawain's Leavetaking." I wrote a musical setting for it and everything. :)


stagbeetle May 1 2013, 08:41:18 UTC
Love this one, which I'd never seen before. I'm sorry you've been sick and stressed: hope things are getting better.

I've been in a rush, so haven't commented on all your poetry posts, but I love them. Your choices are so varied and good, you've got such depth of knowledge of the field. Thank you!


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