Making a good impression at a private school open house

Oct 27, 2008 15:06

We are in the midst of looking at private schools now, which is a process that requires some time, effort and an ability to make a good impression. On Saturday, we went to BBNS -- one of the most prestigious local private schools (also one of the most expensive and one of the most convenient for us location-wise -- as you can tell, these factors ( Read more... )

school, parenthood, school selection, gosha, english

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Comments 14

pro_sha October 27 2008, 19:28:25 UTC
:)) Although it was probably not funny to you when it happened.

It seems to me that the prospective child behaved pretty well during the incident so I would still apply :)


angerona October 27 2008, 19:31:18 UTC
We weren't overly stressed (not like we'd be if this were in a store or something) -- we knew he was somewhere around, we just didn't know where and wanted to find him as quick as possible.


nat_sd October 27 2008, 20:06:48 UTC
I really don't think you were the first one in the history of school. But what an ordeal.
We lost our younger one on a cruise ship when she was 4.5 (she was in the hot tub with us sitting right in front of it on the deck). I still remember the sense of horrow going on the upper deck and looking over the rails. Someone found her near the elevator and brough to the administration, and when my husband finally tracked her down, she requested that he would not come in the room because 'she was changing' (she was in the bathing suit and they gave her some t-shirt and pants).


angerona October 27 2008, 20:38:21 UTC
as I said, we weren't really horrified (guess we didn't even realize he was gone for as long as he was), because we were at a school campus. If this was a cruise ship -- yeah, I'd probably feel much more scared.


(The comment has been removed)

angerona October 27 2008, 20:41:31 UTC
then that's not for us, either :)


krl_pgh October 27 2008, 22:11:40 UTC
Вменяемый ребенок (успокоился и сказал, кто он и как зовут родителей), вменяемые родители. Понятно, что надо было Г. не только увидеть, но и предупредить, что вы переместились, ну так в следующий раз ты так и сделаешь. :-)


kvasy_pingvin October 27 2008, 23:44:41 UTC
Мне кажется - ничего страшного, вы же сами нашлись :) Вот если б не хватились, тогда да.
А школу этот случай классно характеризует, хотя бы в том смысле, что хорошо у них присмотр поставлен.


angerona October 28 2008, 01:49:17 UTC
школа хорошая, кто б спорил. С ней две проблемы: маленькая и большая. Маленькая: как в нее попасть. Большая: как за нее платить.


kvasy_pingvin October 28 2008, 10:35:25 UTC
Можно вопрос?
Сколько стоит такая школа на одного в год? А на двух?


angerona October 28 2008, 10:38:14 UTC
Смотря на какой год :). Цена зависит от класса, в котором ребенок. Первый год -- около $19 тысяч (не считая продленки), потом дороже и дороже. Сейчас старшие классы под тридцать тысяч. Через пару лет будут еще дороже, естественно.

Для второго ребенка скидка есть, но не так, чтоб слишком большая -- я б сказала около трех тысяч скидывают.


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