И теперь мне приходится еще более честно у себя спрашивать: а чего я на самом деле хочу? Повышений в титуле? Больше денег? Меньше работы? Интересней работы? Просто удовольствия от работы? Меньше стресса? Чтоб меня не трогали и дали поспать?
So? What are your honest answers?
And another thing: if they didn't promote you last year, when the circumstances were perfect, do you really think they'll promote you next year or the year after?
That's an excellent question. That's actually what I'm trying to evaluate now: whether the circumstances were such that my manager couldn't promote me, as he told me, or that he actually could and didn't (or that it was borderline
( ... )
Instead of asking him for a plan, why don't you come up with one? Be creative - you can always define a new role for yourself. Otherwise you will be waiting like this indefinitely.
And I don't think he realizes how badly you want a promotion, if you are asking for a "5 year plan." I mean having a long term plan is great, but it has to be accompanied with an aggressive short term plan. He must think "if she is thinking in such long terms, certainly she doesn't need me to come up with a plan right now. It can wait six more months, when the situation is clearer."
Why did you say 5 years? Why not 1? Aren't you ready (i.e., have the right experience and skills) for a promotion right now? You are, and you know it. Now you have to let THEM know it.
I did tell him I wanted a promotion several times. My "5 year plan" was in response to him once telling me that "maybe in 15 years". Uhm, really? And I also offered to come up with a plan. My request was to have something in writing for the new VP to see when they come in. My manager laughed at me, saying "you think anyone reads your evaluations except for me?" -- I said I knew that nobody else did, but there's always a chance that the new VP will...
In any case, I did put all that about looking for a promotion in my own eval, and he acknowledged that he saw it.
Comments 55
Тут не столько вопрос решений, сколько действий.. :)
So? What are your honest answers?
And another thing: if they didn't promote you last year, when the circumstances were perfect, do you really think they'll promote you next year or the year after?
And I don't think he realizes how badly you want a promotion, if you are asking for a "5 year plan." I mean having a long term plan is great, but it has to be accompanied with an aggressive short term plan. He must think "if she is thinking in such long terms, certainly she doesn't need me to come up with a plan right now. It can wait six more months, when the situation is clearer."
Why did you say 5 years? Why not 1? Aren't you ready (i.e., have the right experience and skills) for a promotion right now? You are, and you know it. Now you have to let THEM know it.
I did tell him I wanted a promotion several times. My "5 year plan" was in response to him once telling me that "maybe in 15 years". Uhm, really? And I also offered to come up with a plan. My request was to have something in writing for the new VP to see when they come in. My manager laughed at me, saying "you think anyone reads your evaluations except for me?" -- I said I knew that nobody else did, but there's always a chance that the new VP will...
In any case, I did put all that about looking for a promotion in my own eval, and he acknowledged that he saw it.
С днем рождения! Пусть все сложится так, чтоб было комфортно.
комфортно оно и так (тьфу-тьфу-тьфу) -- а хочется еще ж и большего :). А может именно надо просто научиться наслаждаться тем, что и так есть.
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