what RSS feeds do you read?

May 18, 2011 14:11

Unexpectedly, I've ran out of RSS articles to read in my feed list -- a sure sign of the many long telecons I've had lately.

Anyway, what feeds do you read? I'm interested in any sort of subjects (mine range from tech and mobile news to psychology to personal blogs).

software, technology, sites, english

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Comments 16

inostranka May 18 2011, 18:17:32 UTC
none ;)


friday13 May 18 2011, 18:18:17 UTC
just a small selection ( ... )


angerona May 18 2011, 18:47:42 UTC
cool, I read some of those and added some of the rest.


modern_times May 18 2011, 18:41:27 UTC
В связи с ремонтом просматривала многo home improvement/decorating blogs.


angerona May 18 2011, 18:47:17 UTC
I actually wanted to write about Brazen Careerist in this post. It's such a.. hard to characterize blog. She makes one almost uncomfortable with her openness about writing about her life. I think for me it's become what all those reality TV programs are for other people.


janya May 18 2011, 18:54:26 UTC
I think Penelope's a great blog
- it pushes the boundary more often than not to keep things interesting
- it stays on just the right side of readable edge (at least for me)
- it evolves quickly and surprisingly, but not shockingly

I've come to believe that her perceived openness isn't really what it looks like. She carefully chooses and manages both the amount and the flavor of controversial topics that go on the blog - to maximize both the quality and the quantity of readership.


janya May 18 2011, 19:25:03 UTC
and by the way, you're welcome to check out my Google Reader list, id is 'janyatest'. My blog roll is larger than the sample above and open for sharing.


ex_juan_gan May 18 2011, 20:39:51 UTC
Lucky you. Get a book. Did you read Ulysses?


angerona May 18 2011, 20:44:56 UTC
have tried several times. Failed. Reading a book while on a telecon is much harder -- I can't focus on what's said or I can't focus on the book.


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