Runaways ~ NC17 ~ Liam/Spike (William) ~ AU Human ~ Chapter 6

Feb 25, 2006 16:46

Thought I'd go ahead and post Chapter 6 tonite, then start work on Chapter 9 (the final chapter). Hope you all like this chapter.

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Title: Runaways
Authors: angelspike69 and anamcara420
Pairing: Liam/Spike (William)
Rating: Adult. This story contains M/M sex. If that isn’t your cup of tea then go away now and don’t read any farther.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, Angel and Spike don’t belong to us. If they did, they’d be following up all their fighting and snarking with each other with lots of manly shagging.
Spoilers: No spoilers at all as this is a story that takes place in an alternate universe where our boys are totally human and have never been vampires. We’re not even sure if they believe in them.
Feedback: AngelSpike69 and Anamcara420
Notes: Would like to extend our sincere thanks to makd for her beta of our story. You are the best sweetie!!!!! Previous chapters can be found in my memories or in our shiny, new archive - My Perfect Rhyme.
Summary: Two damaged young men meet by chance in the woods in Vermont. Through conflict and kindness and the special magic of Christmas, they stop running from their pasts and help each other to heal.


Chapter 6

Spike tried to hurry across the frozen ground but his heart was too heavy. All of the wretched memories of his previous life reminded him of what he had just thrown away. His tear-streaked face burned with the windy cold as he trudged slowly toward Mrs. Jenkins’ barn. She rarely used the building and he thought he could hide there until nightfall and then somehow get into Burlington.

He stealthily approached the barn from the woods and carefully opened the back door, thinking once again of the trusting nature of the people on this island. They never locked their doors! Of course doors weren’t always locked in the many places he lived with his mother, but that was usually because the residents were too drunk or drugged to remember. Spike put his pillowcase in one of the back stalls and searched for a blanket or some sort of covering. He saw a rickety ladder that led up toward the roof of the barn and climbed up. It was a small room with unidentifiable shapes hidden under tarps. He lifted a corner of one of the coverings and discovered a narrow iron bed, heaped with wooden boxes and covered with an old quilt. He sighed in relief. He took off the other tarps and found a chest, a trunk and a dilapidated soft chair. Someone had obviously lived here, perhaps a handyman. He removed the filthy, raggedy coverlet and lifted the boxes onto the floor. When he shook the quilt, dust flew into the air, making him sneeze loudly. He froze for a few minutes but then relaxed. Mrs. Jenkins wouldn’t be up this early.

Spike had not slept at all the night before. He lay down on the sagging, dirty mattress and pulled the quilt around him. He was asleep within minutes.


Liam awoke with a stiff neck. The tension caused by Spike’s anger and silence had settled into his muscles. Sleeping on the soft air mattress didn’t help. He missed his huge, semi-hard bed. He glanced at the closed bedroom door and bit his lip. He saw me talking with Tom. He must know that I learned about his past and thinks I’ll throw him out. Liam got up and put the kettle on and then walked over to listen at the bedroom door. There were no soft sleep sounds. He probably lay awake for hours worrying. Why wouldn’t he talk to me? I know we could have figured something out. I know it had to be self-defense. What a terrible life he had. I hate thinking of him with…with all those men.

Bella and Mac followed his footsteps and he put out their food. Mac looked at Liam and then at his food and turned away and flopped in front of the unlit fireplace. If he had been human, he would have looked desolate. Bella wove herself through his legs and then sat at his feet and meowed plaintively. “Hey, guys. What’s the matter?”

He made tea; he wasn’t hungry. He took the mug into the bathroom and showered and dressed in clothes he had left in the laundry closet. He was walking back to the living area when he heard the crunch of tires. Smiling, despite his disquiet, he hurried to open the door.

“Hey, Liam. Give me a hand with this?” John asked.

The two men carried the boxes into the house. Liam had ordered a computer and it had arrived at John’s store the day before Thanksgiving. He decided to wait until after the holiday to set it up. He was excited. He had had a computer in New York but sold everything when he left. Now, he would be able to scan his furniture drawings into the hard drive and save them, eliminating the need for countless sketchbooks. He could also advertise a little and keep his costs and bills straight. He knew there were graphic programs; David had had several on his computer. Liam had decided to buy some of the programs for Spike for Christmas in addition to other art supplies. He’ll believe that I want him to stay when he sees his gifts. He needs to have a better life than he’s had. He needs to forget…forget his life on the streets.

John and Liam emptied the boxes and began to set things up on a huge library desk Liam had bought from Mrs. Jenkins. They talked and laughed while they struggled a bit with the equipment. Suddenly Liam stopped laughing. His face paled and he cocked his head to listen.

“What, Liam?” John asked.

Liam hurried toward the bedroom door. “Spike should have awakened with all the noise we were making.” He opened the door and walked into an empty room. He searched the closet and pulled down the ladder to the attic. Spike was nowhere.

John had followed his friend into the room and he saw the frightened look on Liam’s face.

“He saw me talking to Tom at Thanksgiving. He must have known what he was telling me. He's a runaway with a police record.”

“Is it bad?”

“Shoplifting and simple assault. Spike claimed it was self-defense, but he ran away before the trial.”

John stared at Liam’s face. Suddenly, all the light had gone out of his eyes; his skin was white and taut. Liam brightened; hope bloomed on his face. “Maybe he’s in the barn. He’s been working on a footstool for Mrs. Jenkins.”

The woodsmith opened the door and ran out to the barn, without his coat, despite the biting wind. He pulled open the door and shouted. “Spike. Spike. Are you in here?”

There was no answer. John followed him out and Mac darted by him to run to Liam. He barked and stopped; he looked up at his master. John handed Liam his coat. “Do you think he ran away again? I thought…he seemed fine when he was at our house yesterday.”

“It has to be because he saw me talking to the sheriff, John. It’s so cold and he’s so thin and still a bit weak.” Liam answered. The dog whined and barked as he ran a little way ahead. Liam looked excitedly at John. “Mac can find him. Come on boy, find Spike.”

The dog sniffed a frozen footprint and raced in the direction of Mrs. Jenkins’ property. Liam ran after him; he tried to keep up as he stumbled over logs and mounds of frosted leaves.

John sadly watched his friend. Damn, he was coming out of whatever made him so distant with everyone. Spike made him laugh. Shit. That damn kid better not…God I hope nothing’s happened to him. John spun around and sprinted to his truck. He climbed in and called the sheriff and Doc Clayton on his cell-phone to tell them that Spike might be missing. He started the truck and drove as quickly as he dared to Mrs. Jenkins’.

Liam heard Mac bark as he drew closer to the old woman’s home. He lost the footprints in the tall brown grasses on the edge of the property. Mac stood near the barn; he barked and pranced as he tried to get Liam to follow him. Mrs. Jenkins opened her back door and called out. “Hello, Liam; I didn’t hear your truck. Is something wrong?”

“Spike’s missing. Mac might have found him in your barn.” He spoke over his shoulder as he hurried to join his dog.

The old woman’s heart clenched. Oh dear. Please let the boy be all right.

Liam walked toward the barn quickly. He struggled to pull open the large door and his heart sank. It was obvious that it hadn’t been opened in a while, but Mac hadn't stopped barking. As soon as Liam opened the door, the dog bolted inside, stood still and sniffed the air. There had to be countless smells in the ancient building. He barked and danced over to a ladder leading up to a loft. The dog whined as if telling Liam to hurry.

“Good boy. Is Spike here?” Liam whispered as he scratched the dog’s head. Mac barked as if in answer to his question. Liam slowly climbed the ladder up to the loft. He stopped and looked into the rather dusty space and saw footprints. He cast his eyes around the room and saw the bed, the chest and the chair, and but no Spike.

“Spike. Spike. Are you here? It’s me, Liam.”

There was movement to his right and Spike emerged from behind a door, his pallid face streaked with dirt; his body shivering despite the warm coat that Liam had bought for him.

Liam bounded into the loft, ran over to the younger man and lifted him up into a hug. “I was so worried.” He murmured into Spike’s hair. He realized that Spike’s body was stiff in his arms and he quickly put him down. He looked into Spike’s face but the runaway kept his eyes averted. “Sorry. I…I...” Liam lifted Spike’s chin and forced the younger man to look at him. “I’m not sorry I hugged you. Damnit Spike. Why did you leave? Please…tell me.”

Spike’s piercing blue eyes glittered with tears in his thin, pinched face. He thrust himself away from the older man and spun around glaring in fury, his lips curled into an ugly snarl. “What’d the cop tell you? I’m a criminal, yeah? Got a bloody record. Hurt someone. Ran away before they could put me jail.”

Tears began to stream from his eyes as Spike stared at Liam, his hands tightly clenched. “Didn’t tell you the guy was me mum’s fucking dealer. Wanted to try me out. See how much heroin my ass was worth. She fuckin’ sold me to him for drugs.”

Liam gasped and his eyes widened. Spike laughed but there was no joy in it. “Yeah, not your world is it, ponce? Wanna hear it all, Liam? Me Dad threw me out. I was sixteen. His twenty-year-old wife decided to “teach” me how to fuck and he caught us. Got off the sodding plane from England and was raped in the house where me mum lived with other fucking tarts and drug dealers. Didn’t even unpack and some john was already up my ass. Me mum was strung out in another room. She didn’t even know I was there.” Liam moved toward him and Spike stepped back, enraged.

“You ain’t heard it all git. Never went to school in California. Me mum pimped me out to buy her drugs. Everyone wanted me. I was so pretty, so soft.” Spike’s face twisted with rage as the tears flooded his cheeks. He swiped them away angrily with a slender, grimy hand. “One bloke was nice. Saw him a few times. Bought me dinner. Told me he worked at the University of Vermont. When the cops got me for assault, I stole money and ran. Hitched and rode buses east.” All of the anger evaporated and Spike sank to the floor. He spoke quietly, almost in a whisper. “The guy raped me over and over, Liam, and when I tried to get away, he cut my eye.” He looked up then and pointed to the scar on his eyebrow. “Bloody hell I ran. Do you know what would have happened to me in jail? I’m dirty Liam.” He stared at Liam and then lowered his eyes, mumbling over and over. “Dirty…dirty.” His body sagged with exhaustion.

Liam dropped to the floor and grasped Spike tightly to his chest, rocking him like a child, murmuring into his soft hair. “I’m so sorry, Spike. I’m so sorry. You’re not dirty. Not you. Them. They did it to you. Jesus. Oh God, Spike, you poor kid.”

They sat that way for a long time. Liam held Spike in his arms and rocked him like a child; all the while he murmured comforting words. Finally, Liam stopped moving. Spike ceased trembling; he'd fallen asleep in Liam's arms. Liam smiled sadly and held on tightly.

A little while later, the sheriff climbed up the ladder. “Everything okay, Liam?”

“Yeah. He’s asleep. We’ll be down in a while.” Liam whispered.

The man nodded and climbed back down.

Spike slept deeply for an hour, awoke suddenly and struggled away from Liam. He looked up into the other man’s kind face. “Oh.” His eyes filled with tears again and he looked away.

Liam put his hand on Spike’s shoulder. “Ready to go home?”

The younger man jerked his head up to look at Liam. “Home?”

“Yeah, I’m a little stiff from sitting here in the cold. I need to soak in the tub.” Liam smiled and stood up. He turned toward the ladder, stopped and looked at younger man. “Coming?”

Spike looked into Liam’s dark brown eyes and saw no horror, no disgust, just gentle concern. Why doesn’t he hate me? Is he really…how can he be this…understanding? He stood up shakily and nodded and followed the larger man down the ladder.

Mrs. Jenkins stood on her back porch with John and the sheriff. She came toward Spike. He stopped walking and lowered his head. The tiny woman put her arms around his waist and rested her head against his slender chest and whispered. “Spike. Darling boy. Don’t you know that we all care about you? We’ll work this out. I promise you. I promise you.”

She released the young man and stepped back. Her heart clenched in her chest when he saw the look of disbelief on Spike’s face.

“My truck’s out front.” John said.

The shopkeeper dropped Liam, Spike and Mac at the cabin. The doctor’s old car was parked in front. He came out onto the porch to greet them. “Trying to undo my good work, boy? Didn’t think you liked being in the hospital.” He said in a firm no-nonsense voice.

Liam and Spike followed him inside. “Sit.” He demanded. The young man sat on the sofa and the dog stood guard at his feet, his paw on Spike’s knee. There was a loud meow and Bella jumped onto the back of the sofa and butted the back of Spike’s head. Both Liam and the doctor smiled. But then Spike sagged against the back of the sofa, tears shimmered on his ashen, hollow cheeks. Liam stiffened, walked to the back of the sofa and rested both hands on Spike’s shoulders.

“Spike…you’re okay now…please.” The worried man looked over at the doctor.

“Liam, would you make some tea? I need to examine Spike.”

Liam nodded and went into the kitchen to put the kettle on and Dr. Clayton began his examination. The worried man strained to hear the mumbled conversation between Spike and the doc, but they were speaking too quietly.

A few minutes later, Liam placed a mug of hot, sweet tea laced with a bit of whiskey on the table next to the younger man.

“He has a low fever and his lungs aren’t as clear as they were. I’d like to take him back to the hospital, but…” The doctor said looking from Liam to the younger man.

Spike looked terrified and Liam saw his fear. “Couldn’t he stay here? I promise I’ll take care of him.”

Doc Clayton stared at Spike and spoke severely. “Are you going to run off again? You do that and you could be in serious trouble.”

The younger man looked over at Liam and then back to the doctor. “I …I won’t run.”

“Okay. I’m adding another antibiotic to the one you have. I’ll call it in and a refill for the Amoxicillin.” He turned away from Spike. “Keep him warm, Liam. Make sure he has enough liquids. Got any juice?”

“Cranberry and orange, but I can get whatever he needs.”

“That’s fine.” The doctor replied and looked at Spike. “You need to drink lots of water, too.”

Spike nodded and the doctor turned back to Liam. “You can pick the medicine up later today. You have my number. I’ll stop back tomorrow evening.”

“Doc, can Spike soak in the spa tub? The steam should help his lungs. I can add some eucalyptus tablets to help him breathe easier.” Liam asked.

“Yes, just make sure both the water and the room are warm and then wrap him up.” He answered and then put on his coat and walked toward the door. Liam followed.

“Thanks doc. I’ll watch him.”

The old man nodded and spoke quietly. “It’s not just his physical health I’m worried about. Get him to open up. He’s holding anger and hurt inside.”

“I know. I’ll try, but I don’t want to push.” Liam answered.

The old man turned back to Spike. “You need to take your meds, rest and stay warm, son, or you’ll end up back in the hospital.”

Spike nodded carefully. His head throbbed and he couldn’t stop shivering. The doctor waved and walked out onto the porch. Liam said good-bye and walked back inside. He spoke in what he hoped was a non-threatening tone. “Hey, Spike, ready for that bath?”


After Liam fixed the water and left, Spike sank into the hot bubbles. He breathed in the sharp smell of the eucalyptus. So good. So warm. Why’d he come after me? I know the sheriff told him. Bollocks. Can’t figure anyone out. How can everyone be so nice all the time?

He was startled awake when Liam shook his shoulder. “Hey. Probably should get out. Brought in some clothes. They’re mine, so they’ll be too big. Yours are dusty. I’ve put them in the wash.” Liam smiled and left the room.

Spike dried off, dressed and walked hesitantly into the living room. The pounding in his head had gentled and the swirling water had soothed the tension from his body. He was tired but he felt…safe. Liam was sitting at a large desk across the room. He spun around and grinned. “Come try the new computer.”

For the next few hours Liam showed Spike how to work the mouse, how to type on the keyboard and how to search the Internet. Once again he was surprised and saddened by the younger man’s limited experience. Most eighteen year olds would be teaching me things. Liam periodically asked Spike if he wanted to stop and rest, but Spike was fascinated and determined, although he was quickly frustrated when he made a mistake.

“Spike, it took me months to be comfortable with my first computer. You’ll have plenty of time to practice.”

As they ate dinner, Liam heard a car pull up; he opened the door to see John. He stood there with a bag from the pharmacy.

“Picked a few things up for Mrs. Jenkins. She’s got some new heart medicine. Thought I’d bring Spike’s. Okay?” John said.

“Oh God! I forgot. Thanks John. We were playing with the computer and I lost track of time.” Liam said, clearly disconcerted by his absentmindedness.

John grinned. “I know how that is. Hey, Spike. Like that computer?”

“Yeah. Bit hard to figure out though.” The younger man answered quietly.

“You’ll get the hang of it. Kids’ heads are wired better for technology, I think. Well, go back to your dinner. See ya.”

After dinner they watched part of The Fellowship of the Ring until Spike admitted he was too tired to stay awake.

“We’ll finish it tomorrow. Here, don’t forget your medicine.”

Spike grumbled half heartedly but took the tablets and went into the bedroom. He left the door ajar and Bella followed him in.

Liam cleaned up the kitchen and lay down on the air mattress with his book. He read about five pages and fell asleep. He was awakened by coughing and he hurried into the bedroom. Spike was asleep, but he was flushed and sweating and his breathing was slightly labored. Liam ran into the bathroom and returned with a cloth that he had rinsed in cold water. He knelt by the bed and gently wiped Spike’s glistening face. The younger man opened his eyes.

“Hey, there. You okay? You were coughing,” Liam asked trying to smile despite his concern.

“Hmm…throat hurts.” Spike replied, his voice raspy.

“I’ll get fresh water in the pitcher so you can take your pills.”

When Liam returned, Spike had fallen back to sleep. He pulled the chair close to the bed and sat down. He reached for Spike’s hand; his pulse raced. Liam tensed. Should I wake him up to take his medicine? He patted the younger man’s sweat-glistened face with the cloth. He leaned in and whispered. “Wake up, Spike. Hey, you.”

Spike’s eyelids flickered open.

“Hey. Let me help you up.” Liam said as he lifted the slender form up against the headboard. He handed the pills and a glass of water to Spike. Liam’s heart lurched. Spike’s blue eyes burned with fever in his thin, flushed face. After he finished, he sank back onto the bed and closed his eyes. Within minutes he was asleep; his breathing ragged and uneven.

Liam sat for a long time watching over Spike. He brushed the damp curls from his clammy brow. He is so beautiful. So young. I was eighteen when I…when I met David. He was only six years older than I. I… I’m ten years older…Liam stood up quickly, disgusted with his thoughts. He pulled the covers further up on Spike’s body. I could wrap him up with one arm, he’s so thin. He grimaced and hurried from the room. He sat on the sofa and stared into the fire and absent-mindedly scratched Mac’s head. I know the doc said he was clean. But…but he called himself a whore…the assault was after…after a trick…How many men was he with…How many touched his… his beautiful body. He shuddered as he imagined Spike’s fragile…He got up abruptly and got a glass of whiskey, furious and embarrassed by feelings that he thought were long buried.


Over the next few days, Liam and Spike worked at the computer. Whenever Liam had to go out to the barn to work on his projects, Spike remained inside, riveted by the images and information that flooded the screen. He quickly learned to type and to search. He was thrilled to find the pages of other kids who shared their drawings, poems and stories on the Internet. He wondered if he’d ever be able to create a site on his own. Much to his dismay, he had to stop and rest but the coughing and fever subsided.

Liam often found him seated in front of the computer, his head down on the desk, asleep. Although he was getting well, he still tired easily. Liam and Mrs. Jenkins fed him constantly until Spike complained that his clothes were getting tight.

“Don’t want to be a sodding porker.” He groused.

“Maybe you should cut out the frequent chocolate fixes.” Liam replied with a grin at the disgusted look on the younger man’s face.

They both laughed; their easy camaraderie growing daily. Then the sheriff came by unexpectedly one day with information from California.

“Hey, Spike. Got some good news. Your assault charges have been dropped. The guy raped somebody else and that kid killed him. He pled self-defense and had a witness.”

Spike’s body relaxed slightly. “How’d you find out?” He asked quietly.

“Liam had me contact the L.A. police. They recommended an investigator who found out about the other attack. Your friend here hired a lawyer to go to the other kid’s hearing. All charges were dropped for both of you.” The sheriff paused and continued. “The shoplifting charge is gone too. You were seventeen and it was under $50. Liam made restitution to the art store, even though it wasn’t necessary.

Spike stared at Liam, his mouth open in surprise.

“Well, gotta go. You gonna come to the Beef & Beer at Toby’s next week, Liam? Almost everyone is going. Gotta get some help for Joe Dorsey until his leg heals, and this benefit affair should help.”

Liam looked over at Spike. He hadn’t mentioned the benefit at Toby's to the younger man. “Yeah, I think so. Spike’s a lot better.”

The sheriff said good-bye and left. Spike had not taken his eyes off Liam.

“What…why…why did…” The young man stammered, his pale face flushed pink.

“I knew it was hanging over your head, Spike and I knew it was self-defense. I was right. Now, you don't have a record.” Liam smiled.

He stared at his benefactor in disbelief, mumbled “Thanks”, and walked back to the computer; his confused thoughts whirling through his mind. He was unsettled and embarrassed. He didn’t really know how to thank Liam. He just couldn’t understand Liam's concern and kindness. My own folks didn’t care about me…why…why is this stranger? He was used to expressing anger, not gratitude. Another bloody thing I don’t know how to do.

After a week, Spike was well enough to go out into the barn to work on the footstool for Mrs. Jenkins. Christmas was getting closer. He was puzzled. Mrs. Jenkins had a tree in her living room and candles in the windows. When they went into town, all of the stores and houses were brightly lit with decorations. Liam had not said anything about a tree or decorations and although he tried to hide it, Spike noticed that the older man seemed sad.

After a trip to town, Spike finally asked. “Liam, don’t you have any Christmas stuff?”

He saw the other man stiffen. “Um…um, no. I gave it all away when I left New York. Do you want soup or a sandwich for lunch?”

It was obvious that he didn’t want to talk anymore about Christmas decorations. After lunch Liam went back out to the barn. Spike begged off and watched the larger man trudge through the snow. As soon as he drew the barn’s door closed, Spike walked quickly into the bedroom closet and pulled down the ladder. He has to have Christmas stuff. Had that big box of David’s things. Don’t think he really throws stuff away.

He hurriedly searched the small attic and found two large boxes way in the back labeled, neatly of course, Christmas. Spike opened the first box and found ornaments wrapped in tissue paper and strings of tiny white lights. The second box had wrapping paper, ribbon, and a smaller box that held a carved wooden crèche and figures that looked very old. He closed the boxes and went back downstairs.

A few nights later, Spike woke himself up thrashing about from another nightmare. He got up and came out into the living area. Liam was sprawled with Mac on the mattress sound asleep. He stared down at the larger, handsome man. His brown hair was tussled and errant curls fell on his brow. His full lips were slightly parted. His broad chest was bare and Spike shivered as he watched it rise and fall. The blanket had pooled below his knees and Spike smiled at the poncey flannel pajamas but felt himself stiffen quickly. Confused thoughts tumbled through his fevered mind and he ached for human touch. God he’s beautiful. I don’t get him. Why does he want me here? He’s…he…I…I have to show him…how can I pay him back? Would he want me? I…I need…

Mac got up and walked over to him. Spike scratched the dog’s head, all the while watching Liam sleep. He made his decision and gently lay next to the older man. He curled close to the powerful body and began to slowly rub Liam’s muscled arm. He traced the contours of the large chest with his fingertips. Liam moaned in his sleep and Spike saw him harden. He stilled and stared for long minutes at the tented fabric over the larger man’s groin. Spike sat up slightly and began to kiss Liam’s lower abdomen. The sleeping man moaned again. Spike continued to softly kiss the larger man’s body. Slowly he raised his hand and placed it on Liam’s burgeoning erection; he caressed it gently.

“Oh God. Oh God. David…need you.” Liam moaned.

Spike stopped when he heard Liam call his dead lover’s name. David. I’ll make him forget David. He leaned over and slipped his hand inside the pajama opening and pulled out the throbbing organ. He glanced once more at Liam as the man moaned again and took the erection into his mouth; he swirled his tongue over its stiffness. He sucked the member to the back of his throat. Liam groaned and began to writhe in pleasure.

“It’s been so long, so long David.”

Suddenly the sensual moans ceased and Liam’s body became rigid. “Spike! Oh God! What are you doing?”

The older man shoved hard and Spike fell to one side. Liam covered himself, and stood up abruptly. “Spike. What? Jesus! Why…what? Damnit! What were you doing?”

Spike lay on the mattress, his legs spread salaciously. He channeled his badass persona, although fear raged through his frail frame. “Think you know, Mate. Must’a liked it with the moans and all.”

The appalled look on Liam’s face frightened and confused Spike and he stood up quickly. “It’s been a long time…for you….and me…Just wanted…wanted to touch you… thank you…for everything.”

“Thank me! This is how you thank me?” Liam spoke loudly, his beautiful face flushed, his eyes wild. He lowered his voice and stared at the young man who trembled before him. “Spike…I…you…I don’t need thanks…not like this.”

Anger flashed red streaks across the younger man’s face. “Not good enough for you, yeah? Damaged goods, huh?...Fucking tart?” He lowered his eyes and his body sagged down onto the air mattress. “I…I…needed…just needed to touch you. Don’t know…how can I thank you?” Spike looked up and Liam gasped at the despair in his eyes.

Chapter 7

fic - runaways

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