Who: Jason Teague and Lana Lang.
What: A newly resurrected Jason is apparently not a good thing to come across.
Where: Sawmill (a bar by the shore).
Warnings: Language, violence (on Lana's end).
"We want to offer you a job, Mister Teague."
He didn't exactly like the tone the man who offered him a job necessarily had when they did offer it. But truth be told, they did give a nice incentive to saying yes which included -- we won't send you back to the pit -- and he was all for it even if it didn't seem like the savory sort of job he'd brag about when it came to everything else. Jason didn't have anyone to brag too. From the time he was brought back to life to the moment he was now at where he was finally allowed to leave without an escort to truly discover where he was instead of just assuming he wasn't in Kansas anymore. Just by the looks of it he was dead for a long time when he checked the newspaper. Assumptions out the window but he could just go along with the fact bad shit went down and he...didn't get out alive. As far as accepting his death was going he was pretty sure it was a good thing even if he was digging himself into yet another hole that he knew was going to lead him down a dark path as far as it went with idiotic choices.
But he wasn't getting the chance to go see if there was a chance to redeem himself. Wolfram & Hart wanted it's presence felt and it was his job to find someone to open the seal. Whatever that meant. It was either them or him and Jason was all about self-perservation before he was about anything else. Instead of going to the hospital where he was told to visit to do a quick site check before the big wigs moved in. Jason was just making his focus to be about finding the sacrifice. Whoever it was as he finally managed to escape the second bar he'd been to intact. A low sigh leaving him as he started moving down the sidewalk and finding it really easy to disappear before knocking shoulders with someone and turning to them to apologize. His blood more or less ran cold at the sight. "Lana?"