[Fanfiction] [Cardcaptor Sakura] The Eriol and Tomoyo Collection (Part 3)

May 06, 2009 15:17

Title: Truth
Author: Dark Hooded Eriol the Magician
Series: Cardcaptor Sakura
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/Drama
Status: Complete
Published: 07-18-05

Hiiragizawa Eriol glanced at his watch and sighed to himself. Three thirty pm and she still hadn’t shown up. He sipped his coffee then turned his gaze to the windowsill. A beautiful clump of white roses grew on the box underneath the window, scenting the air with its fragrance.

The usual sunshine was replaced by rain but that didn’t quite remove the relaxing ambience of the small café. The service was quite good and the waitresses were nice. They didn’t throw themselves at him unlike the other cafes he’d tried. In fact they didn’t mind it if he was already waiting there for an hour, sipping his coffee.

Why was he waiting anyway? He had every right to get up, leave, and not come back. It was strange that he was acting like a ditched boyfriend.

Crimson crept up his cheeks and he shook his head slightly to clear his head. First and foremost, he wasn’t her boyfriend and secondly it wouldn’t happen even in a million years.

He was sitting here, on the most secluded table on a small café, to wait for his tutee. That’s right, a tutee or student or whatever she desired to be called. Many male tutors would have preferred to call her darling or sweetheart but he restrained himself from following their example. Aside from being unethical, it was embarrassing at the most.

Many others of the XY-celled chromosome species a.k.a men would’ve traded an arm and a leg to have the privilege of sitting with her. And here he was, acting as if it wasn’t anything to spend three afternoons with her to discuss his favorite subject while sipping coffee and eating ice cream at turns.

It could be a date, except that it would be a bit too much to say it was.

Eriol insisted it was a tutorial session not a date. And his servants just shrugged their shoulders and smiled dreamily. Nakuru even pointed out that he was dressing up too much for a simple “study date.”

He looked at his watch at the same time as a dark-haired young woman arrived. She stopped right in front of the table, casting a shadow on him.

“Ah, Tomoyo-san, you’re here.” Eriol nodded with a relieved smile and got up. He helped her sit down on the seat across from him. His senses perked up as he felt her back trembling. Something wasn’t right.

“Gomen nee, Eriol-kun… I had an appointment before this and it went overtime.” Daidouji Tomoyo tried to smile as she placed her handbag on her lap. He sat down again and stared at her for a moment before nodding.

“That’s understandable, Tomoyo-san.” He said as he watched her order some vanilla and chocolate ice cream from the waitress. She smiled slightly as she inclined her head gracefully.

“Have you been waiting long?” she asked.

Eriol shook his head. “No, I’ve just arrived,” he lied.

And he wondered why the hell he did that.

“What are we studying today?” she said as she pulled out her Philosophy book. His brows furrowed a little. She never initiated the studying; she would usually chatter on about something and adding wise aphorisms about it. There was something wrong.

Not missing a beat he pulled out his own Philosophy book and flipped it open on the right page. “The Roman Philosophic schools. Let’s start.”

She nodded quietly as he began to explain the various schools related to the ancient schools of philosophy. Tomoyo found some trouble on Philosophy and he was only glad enough to help her out. They went to the same school after all, much to their delighted surprise after so many years, and as a schoolmate he felt it was his duty to teach her.

His calm blue eyes were watching her movements and reactions without her knowledge. It didn’t take a genius (or a mage for that matter) to discern her apparent preoccupation. She was listless and her usually lively violet-blue eyes were vague as she toyed with her ice cream. Her answers were monosyllabic and she would just nod at what he was saying.

Eriol closed his Philosophy book and she looked at him with surprise.

“Is something wrong, Eriol-kun?” she asked, concern written on her face. It was actually her idea to shed the polite name diminutives to create a relaxing atmosphere. The whole Hiiragizawa surname must have been too long to pronounce, he thought wryly.

“No, that question must be asked to you, Tomoyo-san.” He said seriously. She sat up and met his blue gaze.

“What do you mean? I’m fine…” her voice trailed off and she didn’t quite meet his eyes. Her fingers stirred the ice cream slowly, clockwise then counterclockwise. He sighed audibly; she was making it harder for him to understand.

“You’ve been listless. How can I give you my ideas and explanations if you weren’t willing to accept it? Your mind is somewhere else… What’s wrong? You’re never like this Tomoyo-san…” Eriol said quietly, staring at her calmly. She merely shook her head and smiled at him. He noted that it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“I’m sorry Eriol-kun… I’m just a bit distracted-“Tomoyo replied and she returned her gaze to the beautiful roses. “It’s just that something happened earlier…”

“Your appointment?” he said helpfully.

She nodded. “Yes, that appointment… Well, honestly, it wasn’t one. I was with my boyfriend.”

“Go on.” He said, leaning back and gazing at her thoughtfully. His interest was piqued because his pretty tutee rarely mentioned about her love affairs.

“We just broke up.” Tomoyo said simply.

Eriol didn’t exclaim or gasp or do anything silly. His eyes widened with slight surprise before returning to calm blue again.

“We’ve been together for some six months and I thought it would last since my other relationships were either a fluke or it didn’t last. I really cared for him… but I think he didn’t care for me…” she went on after watching the raindrops fall against the window pane.

His fists clenched as he listened to the flatness and dullness in the usually cheerful and melodic voice of the raven-haired girl. She was opening her heart to him for the first time.

“Why do you say that?” he asked gently.

“You won’t understand since you’re a guy but I’ll give it a try. I’m the one doing everything in that relationship… I mean, I always called, made sure he was okay, cooked his lunch… I did everything. But I don’t get any recognition for it… anything, not even a thank you…”

“Why did he do that to me? Sometimes I feel like an object… always at his beck and call. He flaunts me at his own school, bragging now that I think of it. It hurt but since it made him happy… I’m so stupid, aren’t I?” Tomoyo rested her right cheek on her palm as she kept her gaze on the rain outside the window. The roses were bathing happily in the cool raindrops.

She turned to him, her eyes misty with held back tears. The long lashes were heavy with teardrops and in its liquid violet-blue depths hurt a pain he couldn’t heal.

“Silly, silly naïve Tomoyo… I trusted too much, didn’t I? I pretended that maybe he would care for me… that he would see me. Why did we even get together? Why didn’t I answer no? Why didn’t I listen to Sakura-chan? She knew what I was going to go through…”

The tears fell slowly, one by one, coursing through her alabaster-like skin.

Eriol’s heart ached for her. He didn’t like seeing her so sad and he definitely didn’t like feeling so helpless. He felt an irrational urge to kick that guy’s arse to China rose up from the pits of his stomach but he pushed it away.

“I’m so stupid aren’t I? I can’t think for myself… I feel so worthless.” She sighed as she bit her lower lip to stop the tears. She bit so hard her lip started to bleed. Her tears tasted salty as she bowed her head to hide the blossoming blood at her pink lips.

“No, you’re not…” he said as he got up and took out his handkerchief. The dark-haired mage dabbed her lip very gently to help absorb as much blood as possible. Pink colored her cheeks but he didn’t mind. The bleeding stopped and he wiped away the tears from her eyes and cheeks.

“Don’t cry, Tomoyo-san. It’s not worth your tears.” Eriol said gently. She stared at him, slightly shocked at his actions. “It’s better this way.”

“B-Better?” she repeated.

The black-haired young man nodded gravely. “’Nemo da’t coud non habel,’” he said.

“What does that mean?” she asked as she stared at him, slightly confused.

“’Nobody gives what one doesn’t have.’ That’s what it means.” The man smiled slightly as recognition dawned on her. “You’re more valuable than what you say, Tomoyo-san. That slimy cretin didn’t deserve you. You are not silly or foolish nor were you in love. You were probably infatuated hence your blindness to his ways.”

“You obviously crave love and affection… not cool treatment or pretending to be ignorant of your presence. It’s just as well that you learned a lesson, painful in a way but it helped enlighten you, did it not? In other words, he was a jerk.”

“So… since he was one, he doesn’t have any feelings and cares only for himself. The attention and affection you crave cannot be given because there is none hence the quote.” he explained as she watched with rapt fascination. That was way better than any school-related philosophical discussion. She honestly didn’t know her Eriol-kun knew such things. This definitely earns him the rightful title of most knowledgeable mage in the world in her book.

He leaned back, smiling slightly as her expression lit up a little. She’s found her way, he mused.

“I… I don’t feel the pain any more.” Tomoyo said softly as she placed a hand over her heart. “No, it’s not pain… pity more like.”

“You feel pity?” he said, an eyebrow rose eloquently.

“Yes… Because he will never feel how it is to be loved.” she replied.

“Oh, the contrary, he was loved but he was just too blind to have realized it.” Eriol said as his eyes twinkled mischievously. “So you can use that saying in a lot of things too. Like in happiness for instance.”

Tomoyo looked at him, smiling now. “If I have enough happiness then I will not be subjected to it. Because if I did then I can share and give some of it away to other people…otherwise, if I had none then I cannot give it… because I do not have it.”

He nodded. She picked it up quickly. “So, in love?”

“If I have enough love then I can give it away… and I shouldn’t expect so much too.” Tomoyo giggled as she turned to the window. The sun was peeking from behind the clouds and its rays fell on the heavy petals of the white roses. She smiled as she drank in the lovely sight.

“White roses mean purity and truth. You’re just like it.” Eriol said thoughtfully as he gazed at her beautiful features. He could see the innocence and purity in her eyes, her face, and in her movements. She hid nothing and betrayed no one. Tomoyo was just Tomoyo.

Eriol reached over and plucked a rose carefully before giving it to her. She blushed in delightful rosy pink as she smelled it. She looked questioningly at the staff that were tactfully avoiding them, meaning that she could have it.

“For a very honest and loving lady,” he said with a handsome smile.

“T-Thank you, Eriol-kun,” Tomoyo said shyly “You’ve done so much for me.”

“No, everything was done whole-heartedly.” Eriol said honestly. He looked at the slowly clearing sky and nodded.

He had all the love in the world for her but it seems that it was too early to offer it to her. What he could give was more than enough.

They laughed together, enjoying the new sunshine and the fragrance of a blooming white rose.

Title: Violet Sky
Author: Dark Hooded Eriol the Magician
Series: Cardcaptor Sakura
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/Drama
Status: Complete
Published: 04-17-07

"There isn't such a thing as a violet sky," Tomoyo laughingly replied. Her eyes danced with delight. "There are no blue roses either.

Hiiragizawa Eriol merely raised an eyebrow. He snapped his fingers and said, "I can create one for you."

She giggled. "You don't have to resort to magic. The scientists are working on that. Besides, wouldn't that be too much? We've got red, yellow, peach, pink, orange and white roses already."

"It will be another color to add to the family," he said as he hugged his knees to his chest.

Daidouji Tomoyo stared at him thoughtfully. "But if there were blue roses, I'd give one to you so that it can match your eyes."

"I thought it should be men giving women the roses," he said lightly.

"I've always defied tradition," she said quietly. He stared at her and noted how beautiful she was under the sunset's loving light. Her hair gleamed, a rosy glow on her cheeks, and her eyes were dreamy. Tomoyo couldn't live without watching her sunsets.

"You're a special young woman." Eriol murmured.

"Thank you," she smiled at her best friend. It had been years since they've started their friendship but it always felt new and old at the same time for her. She felt as though she was always finding new stuff about him although she was sure that she knew him as well as her hand.

Eriol looked up. Twilight was settling in. "Look up, Tomoyo-san."

She looked up and saw the beautiful colors of blue, violet and lavender blending together in the sky. It was like the hem of a beautiful velvet cape being set down from above. She let out a contented sigh and lay down with her back on the dewy grass. "That's so beautiful."

He lay down beside her and propped his head up with his arm. She was still not paying any attention to him. He smiled at her fascination with the twilight sky. She was too beautiful to resist.

"I told there was a violet sky," he murmured as he leaned forward to give her a kiss. Yes, he loved her so much he gave her what she wanted. He wished that he can make her fall in love with him too.

Title: Waiting For You
Author: Dark Hooded Eriol the Magician
Series: Cardcaptor Sakura
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/General
Status: Complete
Published: 09-23-08
Notes: It's a really old story that I tweaked to fit with TSR. Tomoyo-hime, anyone?:)

The summer sun shone against the bright blue of the sky. A pretty dark-haired girl stared up at the clouds from the comfort of her balcony. An easel sat in front of her while she held a paintbrush and palette. The breeze caressed her face and whispered tales from faraway lands. Her sensual pink lips curved into a smile as she thought about the correct angle for her painting.

Her attention was caught by the sound of rushing footsteps. The door opened to let in her breathless nursemaid, Maria. She put down the palette and turned gracefully to face her. Her expression was open and expectant.

“Your mother wishes to see you in her sitting room, Tomoyo-hime.” Maria said after a curtsy.

Daidouji Tomoyo, Princess of Japan, got up gracefully from her chair. She nodded as thanks. Without wasting any time, she laid aside her painting tools and removed her painter’s smock to reveal an elegant blue gown. She glanced at her full-length mirror to check her hairstyle before leaving the room.

Her mother was a queen who loved perfection. Naturally her daughter inherited that trait. As a princess, she was required to present a good image for their constituents and country. That’s why she never left her rooms without dressing up to perfection in order to please her mother and fellowmen.

The princess ran a hand through her long dark gray hair. Her gaze was caught by a simple silver ring on her left hand. The ring glinted in the summer sunshine. Her eyes softened as she stared at it. Crossing the hall towards her mother’s rooms took less time than expected.

Her sweet smile made the guards nod towards her in acknowledgement. She was touched that they respected her as much as her mother.

Tomoyo was the princess that everyone loved. She was beautiful, smart, obedient and regal. Her wits were sharp and she was schooled like a boy. Her beauty subjugated many hearts while her exquisite voice conquered many enemies. She possessed a good eye, a thrifty nature and a modest heart. She was a princess through and through.

Knocking on the door, she announced her presence. The queen answered her call cheerfully. Shaking her head, she entered the royal bedroom.

Queen Daidouji Sonomi was seated in front of a gilded dresser, brushing her longish brown hair. As usual, she was dressed in fine fabrics and full court regalia. The golden crown of Japan glinted in her hair. A simple set of earrings and necklace highlighted her rank and bearing.

She got up to hug her only child. Tomoyo smiled up at her mother. She inhaled the scent that would always characterize her mother. It was wonderful to be in the bosom where she drew her first breath.

They moved away to sit on the couch. Sonomi was still holding her hands.

“Tomoyo-chan, you look well this morning!” The Queen dropped the polite and formal speech whenever she was around her beloved daughter. “I have wonderful news. You have two suitors who are asking for your hand in marriage.”

The Princess carefully kept her expression neutral.

“I’ve got King Chaos who is incredibly talented at swordsmanship and magic. My spies confided that he’s got loyal countrymen and wealth beyond our dreams. The other suitor is Prince Zachary who won’t give up, even after you refused.” Sonomi looked deep into her daughter’s eyes. “You’re eighteen, my darling. It’s time for you to choose your bridegroom.”

“What if I don’t want to marry yet?” the Princess spoke up.

The Queen smiled indulgently. “Is that your wish? Do you want to spend more time alone after your debut?”

Tomoyo fidgeted. She played with her silver ring. Her mother noticed but did not comment. “I want to learn more about governance…”

It was a transparent ploy to remain unwed. Her mother saw right through it but did not say anything. She had completed her education. Her tutors had nothing left to teach her. Though her mother ruled alone, she knew that a future queen’s duty was to serve her kind, keep the kingdom’s peace and maintain the balance in the world she lived in. She wasn’t supposed to worry much about politics and government unless she had to. She was supposed to have a husband to do that for her.

There was another knock on the door.

Queen Sonomi looked at the pretty wall clock. She sighed a little. “We’ll talk about it later, my dear. I’ve got a council meeting right now. Will it be all right if I left you now?”

“Please go on, Mother.” The Princess said with a gentle smile. “I’ll see myself to my rooms.”

The Queen smiled tenderly. She was blessed to have such a wonderful and caring daughter. With a kiss on her daughter’s forehead, she left the royal bedroom. It pained her heart that her daughter was grown up and ready to be married off to a worthy prince but it was for the best. The long years of comfort, love and security was about to end.


Princess Tomoyo sighed as she stopped in front of the many windows in the corridor. Her mother was serious in marrying her off. It was no secret that she was a dizzying dowry price to other kingdoms. She knew it was bound to happen. She was supposed to be prepared.

Her feet led her to the gardens instead. The gardeners loved her appreciation of their work a lot. They had created a grove full of cherry blossom trees in the middle of the gardens for her. She reached her swing under her favorite tree.

Sitting down on it, she stared at the ground thoughtfully. Propelling herself forward, she looked up into the heavens with gentle eyes. She laughed lightly as she let the childish thrill course through her.

She noticed the silver ring gleaming in the sunlight. It reminded her of a promise she made long ago….


A young boy and girl sat together on a bench to watch the sunset. They had a grand view from one of the palace balconies. Comfortable silence lay between them. They wished on every star that accompanied the falling dusk.

After a while, the boy spoke up. “What will you do if someone fell in love with you?”

She turned to him, curious. His mysterious blue eyes held her in thrall. “I’ll think about it. Mama says I cannot marry anyone but a prince.”

“What if you fell in love?” he asked tenderly.

“I’ll know what to do when it happens,” she replied sweetly “A princess cannot fall in love with just anyone. She has to choose a man who is loyal, courageous and true… A title is only a bonus.”

“You’re too practical,” her companion said affectionately “You should marry for love.”

The little girl-woman thought about this. Her hopeful smile touched his heart. “I guess so. But you have to hurry if you don’t want a prince to take me away.”

Her violet-blue eyes widened as he knelt down in front of her. He was holding a small black box. His smile reminded her of a cat who got into the cream. She trembled when he opened it to reveal a silver ring nestled inside.

“My princess, please take this as a token of my affections,” he said tenderly “Wear it until I return from my journey and wait for me. As a prince who was sworn to protect and love you, I vow to come back.”

The little princess didn’t say anything. She nodded. He slipped the ring smoothly into her left ring finger. It gleamed in the moonlight. The beauty took her breath away.

“What will you do if you fell in love?” he asked gently.

“I’ll wait until he comes back,” she replied, tears in her violet blue eyes.

The very next day, he left.


Tomoyo cried as she had not cried for many years. Her heart felt like it would break. Her mother told her that he will not return for many years. When it became true, she stopped and gave up. She lived on, with or without heartbreak.

That didn’t mean she loved him less. She resolved to love herself first before she consented to love anyone else.

Her mother was pressing her already. It was time to choose. She cannot hold off the other royals any longer. Although she’d given her word, there were no witnesses. She was the only person in the world who knew that she was spoken for.

She hugged her left arm, sobbing. It still hurt.

“Why did you go?” she whispered sadly “I can’t wait for you anymore.”


The Princess of Japan wasn’t surprised at all when her mother announced that the palace was holding a ball next week. It was their last attempt to attract more princes in order to increase chances on finding the best match.

“I’d design my dress,” Tomoyo said when Maria asked if she wanted to call the royal seamstress. “However I need some help in making it.”

The older woman smiled gently. She really loved her mistress. “I’ll be happy to.”

Tomoyo slipped out of her formal clothes and changed into her nightdress. She sat down in front of her dresser to stare at her reflection. Maria started to brush her hair. It was an evening ritual that never failed to soothe her.

Being a princess was hard work sometimes.

“Will it be a costume ball?” she asked in a soft voice.

The maidservant nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, Tomoyo-hime! You can dress up as anyone.”

“Everybody will still know it’s me,” Tomoyo teased.

“That’s because everyone loves you,” Maria said lightly. The princess gestured for her to stop brushing. The older woman smiled gently. She curtsied and left the room.

Tomoyo sighed softly. She stared at her reflection closely. Her nightdress emphasized her soft curves and long legs. Her dark gray hair reached down to the small of her back in waves. Blue eyes fringed with sooty black lashes revealed her gentle heart. How would he know it was her if they met again?

She smiled. Her reflection smiled back. They’d know each other. She clenched her hand in order to feel the silver ring cutting into her finger. They promised each other.

The princess smiled to herself. She had an idea. Taking out her personal monogrammed stationery and pen, she started to write a short letter. Her kingdom boasted of the best couriers. They would surely find him before the ball.


The night of the ball arrived.

It was a beautiful evening with a full moon that was like a large and luminous pendant in the velvet sky. The palace was decked out in rich decorations and the jewels that the honored guests wore added to the sparkle. The Queen had invited all of the nobility as well as royalty from other kingdoms.

Tomoyo breathed deeply to compose herself. She was dressed in a silver sheath dress made of raw silk that had a slit up to her thigh. Little glass beads interwoven in the silken dark mass of her hair glittered as stars. A pure silver crescent-shaped coronet was pinned to her brow to signify her role as moon goddess. Once in a while, she reached up to adjust her beaded mask that hid half of her face.

When her presence was announced, she descended the marble staircase. All of the men and women let out a sigh of awe. Everyone gaped at her loveliness and grace. She walked as careful as she was graceful because of her high heels.

She joined the Queen of Japan in the raised platform that carried the throne. Because she was still a princess, she sat on a lower dais that was at level with her mother’s foot. Her eyes scanned the room eagerly.

But there was no sign of her long-awaited visitor. The conductor gestured to start the orchestra. Beautiful music filled the air. The guests started to dance.

Tomoyo smiled and declined all offers to dance that came her way. She turned them down so gently that when they left, they felt like she did them a favor. Her mother turned disapproving eyes but did not comment.

She wanted to save her first dance tonight for him. Her heart was set to win his alone.


An elegant carriage stopped right outside the palace. The footman jumped down to open the carriage door. With a bow, the footman announced the presence of the unexpected visitor.

A tall, elegantly dressed man stepped out. He had dark hair, pale skin and sapphire blue eyes. He was wearing a mask that was shaped like a raven’s face with a beak and real feathers. His regal and dignified bearing tipped off the guards to recognize him as someone of noble blood or more.

“What is your purpose?” the guards asked, curious.

The man dressed in black and hints of midnight blue held up a hand. It contained the crest of the Kingdom of Clow. They started but recovered swiftly with a bow.

“I’m here in official business,” he said coolly. They opened the doors for him. He entered the palace as if he knew it so well. None of them missed the cream-colored envelope with the Princess’s crest on his right hand.

He headed towards the grand ballroom.

Music filled him as he entered. He shook his head when a servant offered to announce his presence. His deep blue eyes watched the dancing lords and ladies, as if he was looking for someone.

It was time to make his move. He couldn’t bear to make her wait any longer.


Tomoyo pinched the inside of her wrist to stay awake. She was getting very bored of the ball. Her mother had noticed and smiled to her coolly.

“You should dance to entertain yourself,” Sonomi suggested. “You’ve been fending off your admirers all evening. It certainly defeats the purpose of the ball.”

She smiled in spite of herself. “I don’t want to offend the princes by stepping on their toes.”

“Practice makes perfect, darling.” The Queen laughed lightly. She was glad her daughter was very witty. “You’ve got plenty of princely toes to step on. Surely, one of them would be honored if you chose to stomp on his toes for the rest of his life?”

“They’ll only think we’re bent on war,” she replied “and not on marriage.”

“Can I have this dance?” a soft voice interrupted. The royals turned to look at the tall green-haired man wearing a golden mask. He was smiling at them as if it was his greatest pleasure to be surrounded by women. He swept an elegant bow.

Queen Sonomi nodded encouragingly. Tomoyo got up and held out her hand. She let him lead her towards the dance floor.

The crowd parted to let them through. They wanted to watch their beloved princess lead the dance. It was rumored that she was a divinity on the dance floor. The conductor was waiting for this all night and he struck up a beautiful waltz.

They made a great couple. Both of them were wonderful dancers. When they were finished, everyone applauded.

“You’re exquisite,” he whispered as they started yet again. “You’re a goddess, Tomoyo-hime.”

“Such pretty words, Chaos-sama,” she replied with a teasing wink. “Do go on.”

Tomoyo wanted to hide the fact that although she was dancing with him, she was thinking about someone else. Her mother was personally fond of King Chaos. She wasn’t.

“I’d like to take a breath of fresh air,” she murmured as the dance finished. He nodded obligingly and helped her towards the double doors that led to the palace gardens. They sighed as a cool breeze passed.

“Would you like to take a walk?” he offered solicitously.

Tomoyo nodded; she wanted to get away from the party for a while. It wouldn’t hurt to make friends with Chaos. He seemed like a good man. She was aware that he was a good king, a powerful mage and a skillful swordsman. Many princesses from other countries were dying to have the chance to meet him. Fortunately, she wasn’t one of them.

When they were a safe distance from the palace and inside the intricate maze, Chaos turned to Tomoyo. He wanted her so badly. She wasn’t reacting to his teases or biting any of his baits. It frustrated him. She was the only woman in the world that he wanted.

“Do you like me?” he asked in a barely controlled voice.

Tomoyo was surprised by his question. She noticed the burning look in his eyes. His posture changed as well as his actions. Fear started to creep up her body. It was a bad, bad idea to come with him.

When he pulled her flush against his body, she screamed. But they were far from the palace and guards. Nobody could help her unless they heard. She doubted it. What with the music and laughter and noise, she doubted that anyone would hear her.

Chaos stared down at her beautiful face and smiled. Her eyes widened as she realized what he wanted to do. She struggled against him but he was too strong. Her arms were trapped behind her and she could barely move when he pushed her flat against her back on the wall of the maze.

She wanted to cry. If Chaos succeeded in kissing her, she was doomed. (It was a custom of the country of Japan that the princess’s first kiss was saved for her future husband. If she granted it to any man, she was honor-bound to marry him.)

“You’ll be mine now,” Chaos whispered in her ear “You don’t have to like me. I want you to be mine, Tomoyo-hime…”

“No,” Tomoyo cried out. “No, I don’t want to be your bride!”

“Get away from her,” a low voice said.

They looked up to see a man silhouetted against the full moon.

He was dressed in black and wearing a raven mask. His eyes recognized the slender figure with dark hair trapped unwillingly in the King’s arms. Anger surged through his being. He couldn’t believe that someone had dared to take advantage of the princess.

Tomoyo took advantage of the distraction. She kicked Chaos in the shin and stumbled away from him. He caught her arm and pushed her to the ground. The moon glowed as Chaos crawled towards her.

She couldn’t move. Silently, she damned her dress for restricting her legs. Hairs on the back of her neck stood up when Chaos’s hand brushed against her ankle. She screamed again. This time, the man jumped in front of her and stepped on the offending hand.

He took out his sword and pointed it to the fallen King’s throat. Blue eyes hardened like gemstones. “You dared to take advantage of a princess. I can’t forgive you. You won’t lay a finger on her.”

Tomoyo froze when she heard his voice. She looked up and stifled a gasp. It was him! Her savior was her prince! She was stunned when she realized that he’d come for her. Then she was glad for his right timing.

“Oh but she wanted it,” Chaos choked out. He couldn’t retaliate without getting his throat cut. But he was not a good fighter if he gave up so easily. He kicked the mysterious savior’s legs and he jumped out of the way. Chaos got up and jumped back a few feet away. Drawing out his sword, he pointed it. “You’d regret coming between us.”

Tomoyo got up and pressed her back on the wall. She smiled with relief. Her prince, Hiiragizawa Eriol, was there to protect her. Love and happiness threatened to overflow from her heart.

The sounds of clashing swords filled the air. Eriol and Chaos were good swordsmen. They were evenly matched. Tomoyo watched Eriol admiringly. He was light on his feet and quick with his arm. She could see that he was thinking hard on how to gain an advantage over her attacker.

Their swords met again and they jumped back, panting.

“You’re good,” Eriol said softly “but I’m better.”

“Eriol-sama, be careful!” Tomoyo yelled to catch Chaos’ attention.

He looked at her for a fraction of second. Sensing his distraction, Eriol lunged and pointed his sword on Chaos’s throat for the second time. The King glared and opened a portal behind him. They watched as he escaped to another dimension.

Eriol returned his sword to its sheath. He turned to Tomoyo, smiling. She was so worried that she immediately inspected his cuts. He was bleeding in some places but she decided that they weren’t life-threatening. Smiling smugly, she knew that Chaos suffered worse.

“Are you all right?” she asked gently.

He smiled. “I’m fine, Tomoyo-hime.”

“You’re not hurt?” she asked again.

He shook his head. Tentatively, he reached out to push away her bangs to get a good look of her face. “I’m glad that nothing happened to you.”

“You saved me,” she said wonderingly. “You really came.”

Eriol took her hand and tucked it into his arm. The dark-haired man led her to sit on one of the benches that were scattered around the garden. They were holding hands. “I received your letter just in time.”

“The Queen wants to marry me off already,” Tomoyo said slowly. “I didn’t know what to do. I was hoping you’d come and fulfill your promise.”

“I was going to,” Eriol grinned “My traveling days were over and I wanted to come home to the waiting arms of my princess.”

“You’re an idiot,” she murmured as tears filled her eyes “You never even wrote back. If you didn’t come tonight, I would have been forced to marry that awful King Chaos. I don’t know why Mother likes him… I knew he was up to no good!”

The dark-haired prince tipped up her chin to have a better look. He leaned forward and kissed her deeply. Her heartbeats accelerated and she couldn’t help herself as she wrapped her arms around his neck. They broke off, smiling.

“Will you marry me?” Eriol asked tenderly.

“Yes, I will!” Tomoyo replied when he got down on one knee.

She felt the same wave of awe and love rush through her like in that night so long ago. He removed the silver ring and kissed her hand. She gasped as he produced a diamond solitaire ring and slipped it on her finger. It glittered in the moonlight.

“Shall we tell your mother the news?” Eriol offered his arm again. Smiling gaily, she took it. They entered the palace and basked in the warm applause.

Tomoyo glanced at her new ring and smiled gently. Some things were worth the wait.


Title: You Taste Like Chocolates
Author: Dark Hooded Eriol the Magician
Series: Cardcaptor Sakura
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/Humor
Status: Complete
Published: 08-18-06

You Taste Like Chocolates

"I didn't expect you here," Daidouji Tomoyo whispered furiously. She completely forgot about her hot chocolate and book in her bedroom and that she was wearing only a sheer peignoir over her nightgown and purple slippers. His eyes lingered on her form appreciatively.

"So you're expecting me to come! That's good. Well, I'm here now so why don't you let me in?" Hiiragizawa Eriol said smilingly. "You're not a very gracious hostess, Tomoyo-san, if you don't mind your manners."

She flushed. "You do know that this is the girl's dormitory and it is," she checked her watch "around nine-thirty of the evening. Where are your manners?"

He was still smiling, damn him. "I am perfectly aware of where I am and what time it is. I'm not a sorcerer for nothing-"

"Quit being a smartass, Hiiragizawa-kun, and tell me what your business here is!" Tomoyo cut him off. She had her hands on her hips and if she could breathe fire, Eriol would be in crisps right now.

"You, of course," he bowed gracefully and produced three boxes of chocolates and a single red rose.

That caught her off-guard. She stared in shock then she recovered her poise. "It's rather too late tonight to come courting, don't you think Hiiragizawa-san?" she said coolly.

He smiled. "No, it's never too late to court you."

She raised an eyebrow and said sarcastically, "Well, it took you six years. You're still late."

"It's better late than never and you were hiding excellently. It gave me a hard time so cut me so slack will you, dear Tomoyo-san?" Eriol chuckled as she took the boxes and rose. "I've always wanted to and I'm known to never know the word 'stop'... Why did you hide from me?"

"Shut up," she said as she started to walk towards the direction of the gazebo in the sorority building's garden. He followed, smiling at her actions. "You're impossible to deal with. How can I concentrate with you hanging around me? If I was out of sight then I might be able to go out of your mind. Then you'll stop."

"My mind can stop remembering and loving you but my heart won't." He said gently as she took out a chocolate. She had sat down on one of the benches. He watched in fascination as she popped it into her mouth and wondered how such a simple act could seem like the most beautiful to him. She looked at him and wondered why he was staring at her like that.

"That's sweet but it doesn't help." Tomoyo said stiffly. The chocolate was really very good. Damn Eriol for bribing me with chocolates.

"Why did you move away, Tomoyo-san?" he asked as he sat beside her as if he'd always belonged by her side.

"I can't deal with you then. I still have too many dreams to accomplish. And you're distracting me," she pushed a chocolate into his mouth to shut him up "Just like now. If I said 'yes' then I am bound to you. I cannot learn what it felt to be free to be myself. So I hid and continued to make my dreams into reality."

"Your rise to many successes was a wonderful thing to watch," he remarked as he reached into the heart-shaped box for a chocolate. She playfully slapped his hand away. He used his infamous puppy-pout and she relented.

"But that was ironic, wasn't it? The more I wanted to hide, the more my fame brought me to the light."

"You still lived in impossibly untraceable addresses. I didn't what country you were in. Do you know how much I spent on tracking you down?"

She giggled and sent him a sidelong glance. "I don't know but I'll ask you if it was worth it."

Eriol's lips curved into a smile as he plucked the rose from her hand and slid it into her hair above her right ear. He leaned over too and took her hand to brush his lips on her fingertips. She flushed prettily and attempted to take back her hand but he held fast. He straightened and looked into her eyes. "It was worth it."

And then and there Tomoyo knew that he was not talking about the monetary compensation or whatever. He was talking about her. She did not know what to do. She could run, hide, or even scream. Oh no, she would not allow him to take such liberties with her!

"You accepted my offerings. Does that mean you say yes?" he asked huskily. His eyes were an impossible hue of sapphire-blue that could only be found in the rarest star-sapphires. She couldn't look away. "I've looked for you everywhere, my Tomoyo-san, and I won't let you go."

"You're impossible!" she mumbled as she attempted to shake off the magic of his gaze.

"Impossible to resist, yes?" he laughed low on his throat and sent shivers up in her spine. "I've always wanted you, Tomoyo-san, just as you wanted me. I know those little clues you left for me. It was a fascinating chase but it must come to and end."

Tomoyo's skin tingled with anticipation. She did not understand why her body reacted to him that way. It must be so obvious that in her attempt to hide from him she truly needed him to find her. Her body shivered deliciously as he started to plant little kisses on her delicate hand.

"I wanted to be near you. I needed to know you." He murmured against her skin "You were an elusive nightingale. What can I do but watch and follow from afar? But I must capture you before I go mad."

"That was a really bad association, Hiiragizawa-san." She managed a weak smile.

He moved too quickly. She was caught by surprise as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Please stop, Tomoyo-san," he whispered and she felt his plea "I love you... I'll always will and I know I am mad for loving someone who cannot be kept. I will still play our cat-and-mouse game if it meant that I had some means of being near you even if countries and seas separate us."

She breathed and he loosened his hug but he did not let go.

"I'm sorry. You can walk away from my suit. I have no right to force you." Eriol smiled at her. She could see the faint glimmer of tears in the moonlight. Her heart went out. How could she give this man so much hardship?

Tomoyo cupped his face and kissed him.

Eriol stood still for a second, trying to digest what was happening. Tomoyo was kissing him! He melted and responded. His arms went around her in a tighter hug as she kissed him fiercely. This was heaven.

She tasted like chocolate, dark and richly flavored. Her mouth and tongue were sweet. Her sweet scent mixed with the rose's fragrance and made him want to drown forever.

"Does that mean yes?" he asked dazedly afterwards.

Tomoyo laughed softly and hugged his neck. "I'm sorry Eriol-kun if I made it so hard. I did not mean to."

He smiled on her hair and inhaled it's gentle fragrance. She was all innocence and seduction. It was an interesting combination as she did not have any idea how she drove him mad.

"I love you," she whispered against his neck.

"I knew you'd taste like chocolate." Eriol murmured as he blindly picked one from the box. "Sending you all of those boxes must've paid off."

She giggled. "You know, you've got to go. It's almost ten and visitors are prohibited at that time. I don't want to get kicked out of my sorority."

"If you were, I'd always be glad to take you in my house."

"I'll only say yes if it meant its forever."

He kissed her nose. "What time do you get kicked out then?"

She leaned her lips dangerously close to his. "Why don't you stay? Then we're sure."

Eriol kissed her gently. Her love was enough reward for all his troubles.


cardcaptor sakura, fanfiction, eriolxtomoyo, drama, humor, fandom, anime, romance

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