
Jul 10, 2012 23:29

So I signed up for rarepairfest, over at AO3, today. I'm actually kind of excited about it. Since any and all attempts to write something for het_bigbang have crashed and burned, I'm hoping that going at something a little less huge will make the muse be a little more cooperative.

fanfiction: other

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Comments 4

jelazakazone July 11 2012, 03:43:49 UTC
Oh, good for you! I had to opt out of that due to travel. Don't ask me why I signed up for podtogether which has my story due at the end of month (and I'm going away on Thurs for the rest of the month).

I have high hopes I will finish this though.

Have fun with the rairpare fest!


angelqueen04 July 11 2012, 11:13:34 UTC
Thanks! And good luck with your own story! :)


world_of_blade July 11 2012, 04:53:56 UTC
I'm sorry your stuff for het_bigbang is not coming along. HUGS!!

Being someone who has not written a single thing in... well forever, I can understand being blocked on sometihng.

Still you can totally do it!! Also, awesome with signing up for rarepairfest. What do you think you will write about?


angelqueen04 July 11 2012, 11:18:10 UTC
Yeah, it's too bad. I was really looking forward to it. :( *hugs back*

I haven't been so much as blocked, it's just I haven't had the energy to try and write anything long, even something like 10k. I've been worn out since finishing my paperlegends fic, to be honest. I've been able to write, but it's been short stuff, no more than about 3k.

As for rarepairfest, I've volunteered to write either Merlin, Harry Potter, or Star Trek 2009. I'm hopeful that writing something with only a 1k requirement will kind of jumpstart the muse a bit and it'll stop feeling so lazy.


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