Fanfic DVD Commentary meme

Mar 13, 2012 19:46

Snagged from nyxelestia.

Ask me a question about one of my fanfics or fanfic series. It can be absolutely anything in any fic and I will tell you the honest-to-goddess answer (even on the progress/plans for next chapters of current series ( Read more... )

fanfiction: other, lj: memes

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Comments 7

lanna_kitty March 14 2012, 01:13:13 UTC
Best thing you've ever written, and why do you like it?

Worst thing you've ever written and why do you hate it?

Thing you've written that no one seems to love that you love to itty bitty pieces? and why do you <3 it so?

*iz greeeedy*


angelqueen04 March 14 2012, 01:22:11 UTC
Best thing? Hm, that's a hard one. I suppose I'd have to say graven with diamonds in letters plain, my Tudors fic. I <3 heart it like whoa, because it's so much fun to play with historical characters like Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. Two crazy cats, those two. ;)

Worst thing? Well, I suppose I'd think of it in terms as being disappointed with something than hating it -- cares we travail to content us, my Merlin/Star Wars fusion. It's not badly written, I just got too caught up in following the movie plot and I think it made the story suffer. It could have been a million times better if I hadn't been so focused on following the film.

Thing I <3 but everyone else is oblivious to: my original fic, the fake T.V. pilot Historica that I wrote a while back. I <3 it like whoa because it was my first real foray into the realm of original fic, and yet it never seemed to garner much attention from the flist or anyone else. :(


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angelqueen04 March 14 2012, 01:42:28 UTC
Oh yeah, that goes back to my Stargate days. I signed up for a ficathon. The prompts didn't really speak to me, so I ended up just writing something that fulfilled what the person wanted, but I hated every word of it.

*laughs* Oh definitely. I wrote Slander purely for my own entertainment, because I could just imagine how Arthur would have reacted to Avalon High. Much to my surprise, lots of people ended up responding and loving it too! :D


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angelqueen04 March 14 2012, 03:22:09 UTC
Heh, got a little carried away here. This is actually a ficlet I wrote set after the end of Merlin's third series. I just can't let go of my adoration for it. It's so much fun to write someone who is half out of their mind with grief and rage, and then couple that with the deceptive innocence of creepy little Mordred. *bounces*

Morgana kept walking. She no longer knew how much time had passed since she had started - since Morgause stopped breathing don't think don't think don't think about it - but she hardly cared. She focused on the crunching of the leaves beneath her boots, on the breeze cooling the tears that trickled down her cheeks ( ... )


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angelqueen04 March 14 2012, 12:04:49 UTC
Heh, oh yes, Mordred is a creepy little child. Scares me quite a bit.

Morgana's fall from grace, as it were, is probably one of my biggest heartbreaks in the entire show, but it's so much fun to play with in fic. ;)


vickysg1 March 14 2012, 07:37:54 UTC
Who's your favourite character to write?

Who's the character that you haven't planned to have in a fic and who wound up in it anyway?


angelqueen04 March 14 2012, 12:07:50 UTC
Nowadays? Probably Merlin. He's so easy to whump. Kind of like Sheppard, really. ;)

Hm, I can't particularly think of a character creeping up unexpectedly, but I did have that happen with a pairing once. I was writing my Merlin-Star Wars fusion, which was supposed to just have Morgana/Arthur in it, but then out of nowhere, Gwen and Morgause met and started to actually be attracted to one another! Totally did not expect or plan it, but now that pairing is probably one of my favorite fanon pairings ever. :D


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