
Feb 27, 2012 21:55

Daytona 500. Alcatraz.

Which would you choose?

Suck it, Fox, for making me have to wait to see this week's episode until it's rerun on March 10th. Bastards.

tv: other, other: this sucks!!

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Comments 4

lone_pyramid February 28 2012, 03:06:27 UTC
I only half-watched Alcatraz, but it seemed to be a re-run because I recognized a whole bunch of scenes.

So, dilemma solved. :)

And 'scuse me now, 'cuz Castle's on. \o/


angelqueen04 February 28 2012, 03:20:28 UTC
Really? Well, that's a relief. though the teaser they showed at the end of last week's episode said a new one was supposed to air tonight. *headdesk* Stupid Fox, confusing me. Plus, the episode that was supposed to air tonight, "Clarence Montgomery" isn't airing next Monday, according to my search function. I'm catching it on March 10th at 11pm. Next Monday is a double episode, a two-hour thing.

Heh, have fun with Castle. ;)


lone_pyramid February 28 2012, 21:42:58 UTC
It was about an Alcatraz inmate who (in present time) kidnapped a boy and took him out on a lake and made the boy hold him under water, and also we learned that something Very Bad happened to Comic Book Guy (um, I forget names easily) when he was a kid. (Incidentally, this does not match what my on-screen TV Guide said the ep was about.)

Does Fox air the race? Maybe they pre-empted the new ep because of that.

There were many parts of Castle that pleased me greatly. =D


angelqueen04 February 28 2012, 21:58:26 UTC
Oh yes, definitely a rerun then. :) I think that was the third episode, IIRC.

Comic Book Guy, that'd be Soto, or as Madsen calls him, 'Doc'. I think he was also kidnapped as a kid, which is why this case hit him so hard.

I think my favorite character on the show so far is Hauser. The guy's such a bastard, but dude, he's got layers. It's too bad Madsen doesn't call him 'Fed' or something just to get a rise out of him. It'd be hilarious. ;)

Yeah, Fox aired the race, hence my irritation. But yes, they must have pulled the ep. I ended up doing a search for the episode that was supposed to air, and I'm pretty sure they're airing it on the 10th at 11pm.

Glad to know you got some enjoyment out of the evening. :D


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