WiP meme

Nov 17, 2009 13:25

Snatched from rushingwind:

Post a sentence/paragraph/snippet from every* wip you can find. No explanations allowed, just the excerpt.

Every WiP? *stares at WiP folder fearfully* Oh dear lord, here we go...

Note: These include stories I'm actually working on and projects that will probably never see the light of day, just FYI.

Cut for the sheer number of WiPs *headdesk* )

fanfiction: merlin, fanfiction: other, lj: memes, !fanfiction: master list

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Comments 5

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angelqueen04 November 17 2009, 19:13:40 UTC
*grins* Thanks!


lanna_kitty November 17 2009, 22:29:51 UTC
heee Harry potter. How recent are those?


angelqueen04 November 17 2009, 23:32:50 UTC
Semi-recent, though most of them have frittered out.


rushingwind November 18 2009, 01:27:13 UTC
Ahh, I want to read the one with Lily! :)


angelqueen04 November 20 2009, 17:01:46 UTC
Heh, I'm rather fond of that one as well. I'm hoping the muse will cooperate on that one and let me keep working on it some day.


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