drabble meme

Oct 28, 2009 19:22

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request a drabble of ANY pairing/character of their choosing (of ANY fandom) from me (with a prompt, if it pleases you to give me one).

Because I'm itching to write something, and school stuff precludes anything overly huge right now. Currently, the muse is drooling over Merlin (just about any ( Read more... )

fanfiction: requests, lj: memes

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Comments 9

sache8 October 29 2009, 00:07:28 UTC
Merlin/Morgana - Magical one-up contest with romantic elements

Arthur/Gwen - How he pops the question

Henry/Ashley - Story behind that book he put in her coffin

John/Helen - On John's absence from the funeral

(You can pick any or all -- I won't hold you to all of them). ;-)


angelqueen04 October 29 2009, 00:27:11 UTC
Whee! Lots of choices! *bounces* Thank you! :D


lanna_kitty October 29 2009, 00:20:46 UTC
Helen & John (anyway you like them) "Crimson"


angelqueen04 October 29 2009, 00:27:45 UTC
Oooh... *muse brainstorms like crazy*


lanna_kitty October 29 2009, 00:28:43 UTC
*could possibly persuaded to do a sanctuary prompt as well)


angelqueen04 October 29 2009, 00:34:11 UTC
Hm... how about 'John (and Helen, if you like), seeking closure'. Because you just know that Jack the Ripper's way of finding closure over his daughter's death will be bloody and angst-ridden. ;)


dangerusliasons October 29 2009, 02:41:38 UTC
S/W "Lost without you"


angelqueen04 October 29 2009, 02:48:09 UTC
I'll see what I can do.


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