Fic: Shattered Mirror (3/4)

Nov 19, 2008 09:38

I was going to wait to post this part tomorrow, but I realized that if I did, the fourth part (which is really just the epilogue) wouldn't be posted until Monday. So rather than make you wait that long, I'm going to post this part today and the epilogue tomorrow.

Enjoy! :)

Part III )

character: sga: teyla emmagan, fanfiction: sga, character: sga: rodney mckay, fanfiction: genfic, character: sga: john sheppard, !fanfiction: master list, character: sga: elizabeth weir, fanfiction: aus, character: sga: ronon dex

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Comments 7

havocthecat November 19 2008, 14:53:57 UTC
Yay! Everyone continues to be awesome. :)


angelqueen04 November 20 2008, 04:08:16 UTC


havocthecat November 20 2008, 04:27:15 UTC
I love this fic so much, seriously. Aside from the fact that I have no fucking time whatsoever, it was NOT exactly a tough job betareading this.


peanutbutterer November 19 2008, 17:24:15 UTC
Ha! I like that it's Ronon that tries to disarm the bomb. As head of military he steps up - and has the skills to do it. Nice.

She’s watched him several times since they got here and he has a feeling that there is more to it than she’s willing to admit. He isn’t about to speculate on it. Instead, he awkwardly places a hand on her shoulder for a moment. He sees something ignite in her eyes, but he forces himself to walk away before he can completely analyze it.

I feel really bad for Elizabeth (and Ronon) of this universe. She could have used a hug, John! Sheesh! Hopefully Earth lets up and they get the opportunity to move on and heal.


angelqueen04 November 20 2008, 04:08:06 UTC
I like that it's Ronon that tries to disarm the bomb. As head of military he steps up - and has the skills to do it. Nice.

Yes, I wanted to really do something with Ronon in this fic and not have him just be in the background waiting for McKay to figure out a way home. I love that the big puppy is good at shooting and blowing things up, but I still like to think he has a little more depth than that. ;)

I feel really bad for Elizabeth (and Ronon) of this universe. She could have used a hug, John! Sheesh! Hopefully Earth lets up and they get the opportunity to move on and heal.

Yeah, AU!Lizzie and AU!Ronon are really having a sucky time of it, losing all their friends but each other and then get faced with nice, healthy versions of them. Very sucky. *sads*

*laughs* I suppose she could have! But this is John we're talking about. That hand on the shoulder thing is a big step for him. :D


(The comment has been removed)

angelqueen04 November 20 2008, 04:09:30 UTC
She really is having a crappy week, isn't she?

Yes, I did some serious Lizzie whumping here, didn't I? ;D

I love what you're doing with this verse, and how things are unfolding. It's very subtle in the dynamics, but very deep. I love that. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

*blushes* Thank you!

Epilogue up tomorrow morning! :)


ed_84 November 21 2008, 19:04:54 UTC
Psst. You might wanna link to the epilogue from this page. ;)


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