Icon Fics, Take Two

Sep 06, 2008 16:11

1. Pick any five icons(properly crediting them of course).
2. For each icon, write a short drabble(essentially no longer than a page).
3. Tag five people. Anyone who wants to participate in this is welcome to do so.

The muse has been rather lazy lately and is in need of a good, swift kick back into gear. Any takers? First five to respond get to do the kicking and get fic as well (obviously). ;D

Previous requests that were made are here. Some of the icons have since been removed, but a few are still among my userpics, so try to pick ones that weren't used the last time. Variety being the spice of life and all that. ;)

ETA: And that makes five! Thanks to everyone who responded! :D

fanfiction: requests, lj: memes

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