Scene for This Mortal Coil

Dec 01, 2007 00:01

Watching the preview for This Mortal Coil made this little scene pop into my head. It wouldn't go away and let me work on the fic requests, so I wrote it down. I am my muse's bitch slave.

SPOILERS for This Mortal Coil

Unbetaed so all mistakes are mine.

The cave was silent except for the occasional beep from the machinery and computers, or the sound of footsteps on the stone floors. John watched the Replicators move about in something akin to sick fascination. He watched as the Rodney Replicator muttered something under his breath about his computer not processing fast enough. He watched the Ronon Replicator work on... something, which was weird in of itself. He watched his own double hand something to Elizabeth, say a few words which made her smile, and then move off.

Suddenly, John was glad he sent Rodney and Ronon off to contact Atlantis. That way only one of them would be supremely creeped out by all of this for any length of time.


He nearly jumped at the sound of Elizabeth's voice. He hadn't heard her approach him.


She stared at him for several moments, studying him. "What's wrong?" she asked.

He debated whether or not to answer her. This was all still so weird. He wasn't even totally sure about her, about this deal, this alliance she was proposing. Alliances had a bad habit of not working out for them. But that look in her eye was one he knew all too well. It made something churn inside him, even after being without it for months now.

"Why'd you do it, Elizabeth?" The question was out before it was even fully formed in his head.

Elizabeth didn't ask him what he meant, just sighed. She already knew. "They chose their forms," she said.

"You could have changed it."

She didn't deny it. "It was hard, John," she told him. "It still is. I've lost everything that meant anything to me, and they know it. I can't hide it from them." Elizabeth looked up at him. "This is their way of trying to give something back."

John didn't know what to say to her. He couldn't deny what she was saying, but--

"Besides," she added softly, still staring at him. "I missed you. That's why I didn't ask them to change it."

What could he say to that?

ship: sga: weir/sheppard, media: spoilers, tv: sga

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