The three parties who will probably form our new government presented their plans today. And apparently, what this country needs - with the economy still on its arse, terrorism looming over our heads and whole neighborhoods in towns near me being taken over by drug dealers because the coffee shops were closed down and the drug trade has now gone
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Comments 15
Did you hear Rutte say that? It's gonna be repeated for the next 2xxx days, mark my words. Another prediction: this is gonna be our very own Winter of Discontent.
Weirdly enough, the person who bugs me most in this whole farce is Verhagen. Can you imagine having to listen to this guy for the next four years? Oy vey. Though Rutte sold out liberalism long time ago - hypotheekrenteaftrek afschaffen? Kilometerheffing? He should be for it, not listen to Telegraaf readers - whatever Verhagen stands for eludes me.
We're being taken over by the greedy, the anti-social and the assholes.
I've given up. I feel more deflated than I've felt in a long time about the whole thing. I can't even muster any righteous anger anymore because it all seems futile.
(For the funner part, how's married life treating you? :))
(married life is good! Not really any different from the way it was, but I kind of feel more... connected to him now. I know that sounds silly, but that's the way I feel. How have you been doing lately?)
I'm good! Someone's moving in at my place next month so I'm very busy trying to get rid of a lot of stuff. Apparently I'm a bit of a hoarder, but I'm trying to break the habit...
Performance salary for teachers. Teachers who perform well will get more, teachers who perform less will get less.
How the hell are you going to measure that? And, um, who's going to do it?
You know they giggled when they came up with that.
I don't think you actually expect a response from me here, eh?
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