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Comments 26

jaydestarlight November 20 2012, 03:48:46 UTC
I, too, love both Parks & Rec and Pushing Daisies. It's pretty fantastic so far, because you've got the voice of both shows down pat. I'm excited and super curious to see how this crossover turns out.


angelica_rules November 20 2012, 14:40:20 UTC
thank you for saying that, i try my best! i'll update with a much longer chapter pretty soon


liebfraumi November 20 2012, 09:14:48 UTC
You should never let sheer insanity keep you from writing! Look at this community... :-)

I only know a teeny-tiny bit about Pushing Daisies, but I think it could work with Parks. I am very curious where you take this.

P.S.: Your banner is shiny.


angelica_rules November 20 2012, 14:41:11 UTC
we are all insane here... and it is a wonderful thing!

you should know more and more about Pushing Daisies, it is just wonderful... and yesterday I realized that it has been 4 years since it got cancelled... i've been living in denial for the last 4 years.


liebfraumi November 20 2012, 15:41:14 UTC
Party Down, Arrested Development, Firefly... I totally hear ya.

I am eager to check it out: So far I know that I like the main character´s face.


angelica_rules November 20 2012, 15:45:58 UTC
stupid networks canceling awesome shows.

Lee Pace has the best face, I'm ridiculously in love with him. I'm an eye-brow girl, I wanna make out with him and chew his eyebrows off :P
He hasn't made some good acting choices lately (he is in the last twilight thing - and no, i won't be watching it even for him - and in that ridiculous marmaduke dog movie. but i guess he is in the hobbit movie so that's not that bad) but if you haven't, just watch 'The Fall'. you won't regret it.


missnumbat November 20 2012, 09:19:32 UTC
What a fantastic idea!!!! I haven't read this yet, but I LOVE Pushing Daisies, and Parks of course, so I can't wait to read it.


angelica_rules November 20 2012, 14:41:35 UTC
this is just the really short prologue, i promise there'll be more soon. PD is the best!


stars_inthe_sky November 20 2012, 13:13:38 UTC
Okay, I'm intrigued. I miss PD liek woah.


angelica_rules November 20 2012, 14:42:09 UTC
ME TOO!!!!! i spent my weekend going through my dvds and crying... well, sort of.
how is the move going on?


stars_inthe_sky November 20 2012, 15:14:56 UTC
I'm all moved! Started the new job yesterday and everything. It's mad but exciting :)


angelica_rules November 20 2012, 15:26:20 UTC
oh wow, congratulations!! it definitely must be mad but also very very exciting, a new city, a new job, new people! best of luck!!


americnxidiot November 20 2012, 23:50:01 UTC
ahh excited!


angelica_rules November 21 2012, 03:28:24 UTC


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