because the answer to "do you need a hug" is ALWAYS yes

Nov 28, 2010 21:10

There should be a snazzy intro here, but let's face it guys, the point would be this: CUDDLING. Every one needs cuddling. People love cuddling. I love cuddling. I think Arthur probably secretly loves cuddling. And you know Eames is a clingy bastard. Because cuddling is awesome! And everyone should get some cuddles. So, allow me to present:

The Multi-Fandom Cuddling Meme

~The Rules~

Stolen Adapted from foxxcub's super awesome kissing meme

  1. All fic/art must including cuddling of some kind
  2. All pairings, fandoms, rating, and genres welcome!
  3. There is not minimum or maximum word count.
  4. Be kind to one another ♥♥♥

Comment and share the love!

cuddling yay!, memes

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