Fic: Takin' the Midnight Train (Andy/Oscar)

Nov 23, 2009 23:36

Title: Takin' the Midnight Train
Pairings/Characters: Andy/Oscar, Andy/Erin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2413
Prompt: Life
Summary: Dunder-Mifflin is no more.
Spoilers: Through season 6

Things were going well for Oscar. After Dunder-Mifflin went bankrupt and his co-workers scattered across Pennsylvania, he decided there was nothing for him in Scranton ( Read more... )

pairing: andy/oscar, my fic, pairing: andy/erin

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Comments 6

imadoctornotalj November 24 2009, 07:30:06 UTC
OMG. I LIKE THESE APPLES A LOT. Dude, this was so freaking adorable. I love how all of Oscar's feelings just came back like all at once. And I love how Andy just thought up this huge extravagant life change to be with the guy he's totally fallen for. And that he actually (even without saying it) could recognize that he and Erin were no good for each other. Guh, I just love this entire story.

And the ending, *swoon*. Exactly something Andy would say, and I love it. :D


angelascats November 24 2009, 07:33:27 UTC
YAY! I'm so happy you liked it, really! I think it's one of my favorites (of my fics).

By the way, look what I just found.

ewwwwww! No one has joined mwahahahaha


imadoctornotalj November 24 2009, 07:52:28 UTC
lol ew! kill it, kill it! xD (it's okay, because I don't actually know anyone who ships that. It's pretty obvious that Andy's interested in the peen, even if he hasn't completely figured it out yet. He knows he wants Brad Pitt, though.)


angelascats November 24 2009, 07:56:05 UTC
First of all, saying that Andy's interested in the peen made me laugh.

Second, yeah, I don't think it needs to be killed because it's already dead.


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