YOU [would] not _believe_ YOUR eyes.||

Nov 24, 2009 04:41

alright. crucify me. hit me. kill me. and i'd still love you with all my freaking heart. i haven't been updating, have i? i deserved to be crucified. but, no, no! Super Duper Yellow Polka Dot Barrier Activated! i must stay alive. :D

i've been very, very, very pathetically tired for months. it's like standing at the edge of a cliff with one foot on ( Read more... )

thank you

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Comments 54

puppetstrings December 1 2009, 07:42:05 UTC





J/k. ^____^

You have a very admirable quality. Despite of quitting, (which at times is very tempting like having a piece of chocolate you know will be extremely satisfying at that particular moment, but in the long run it equals X____X), you are refusing to give up.

Not many people can do that, including myself. *sniffle* It doesn't matter if it takes you years to finish your fics, I'm sure many fans will support you nonetheless. :)


angel_puppeteer December 1 2009, 16:04:58 UTC
ah yes. :D it will make my life easier if i just quit, ne? :D but i can't. i keep telling myself, "why don't i just quit? so what if those stories are not complete? people will go on about their lives and will just forget all about it, so why try hard? YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME."


too bad, i'm the type of person who's both stupid and stubborn. XD i can't just... ARRRGH. it's haunting me. :D plus, there are few people who still wanted me to update it and even though i don't know them at all and only FICS are binding me to them, i don't want to disappoint them. i'm not a goody-good girl, i'm not out to please people but... really, i want to finish everything, for myself and for the few people who still like them. XD

ehhh, i'm very bad with explaining things! so sorry! :D but hey, thanks very much for the comment! it's very encouraging and i am very thankful! really, i am! :D take care and thank you again! :D :D :D


Still love ya!! anonymous December 2 2009, 11:51:59 UTC
Hey hi angel ( ... )


Re: Still love ya!! anonymous December 2 2009, 12:32:45 UTC
How can you be her biggest fan when I AM her biggest fan? :D



Re: Still love ya!! angel_puppeteer December 3 2009, 01:14:22 UTC
*huggles Amberose* thank you so much! :D


Re: Still love ya!! anonymous December 6 2009, 09:27:05 UTC
i beg to disagree (lol) I'M her biggest fan ahaha XD


Hey I'm not 'anónimo' XD This is Shuujin :3 The oh-so-talkative freak anonymous December 2 2009, 22:06:57 UTC
Oh pupps, don't be like that XD Most of the people wouldn't enter your LJ to flame you, they'd enter to stalk you and know more about you (stalk you XD) because you're this interesting intriguing fanfic writer who's very reserved and busy xD ( ... )


Re: Hey I'm not 'anónimo' XD This is Shuujin :3 The oh-so-talkative freak angel_puppeteer December 3 2009, 01:13:46 UTC
S-S-S-Shuujin... is it really y-y-you...? please tell m-m-me it's you. PLEASE ( ... )


Re: Hey I'm not 'anónimo' XD This is Shuujin :3 The oh-so-talkative freak anonymous December 3 2009, 15:43:30 UTC
Yei! XD Hahah, yep it's me~ You can call me Shuu o/
Actually I should be the one stuttering x3# You make me blush like a lady. And um, I'm afraid the 'are you a boy' question was a little.. less-innocent XD (askjhfaka damn me)
I'd like to meet you too.. And we could go all stupid because of lollipop overdose XDD And hug hug hug and twirl twirl and puke--
And Sasuke.. pfftt, he totally is a dinossaur lover too, have you ever seen his so famous teddy dinossaur? XD huahuaha yeah Sasuke.. Kishimoto likes to combine them too >D he's destined to it.
Hehehe XD Your reply made me go all fuzzy and warmy and scoochy(?)! And woman have you made me cry over YOUR touching stories! xD The first fanfic I ever read from you was Uchiha 1001 and I ended up crying badly-So no worries~ Words are strong, we all know that, and you do know how to use them huh s2 You're awesome :D
Good luck in everything! ^^


Damn I can't stop commenting :( anonymous December 3 2009, 12:59:14 UTC
I FORGOT TO ASK YOU ANGEL-SAN. May I have your permission to draw out scenes of Schon (and maybe Schneewittchen) and post it on DeviantArt? Damn, I can't stop commenting.

Sure, sure, what I draw may not turn out beautiful or gorgeous or even up-to-standard. But it has been my dream to draw some Schon. I've been drawing continuously, but I can never seem to get Sasuke right.


Because, the way you wrote Sasuke changed everything. It made me want to work so hard, on the facial features, the emotions in his (sexy) crimson eyes. Geez. Of course, if you're gonna stab me for destroying Schon's reputation, I'll accept it with outstretched arms and plead for forgiveness.

But I don't want my favourite author to hate me, so here I am, asking for your permission. Though I do have some (perverse) questions regarding schon :P


Pardon my very rude outburst.

Love, Amberose.

P.S.: I apologise for the long and rude comment.


Re: Damn I can't stop commenting :( angel_puppeteer December 3 2009, 13:24:38 UTC
hallo :D

sure you may. :D i'd be very happy to see your art! and no, no you're not rude at all. i love reading comments (including flames over FFNET XD) and noooo, i'm not going to hate you! :D

i would love to see your art so give me a heads up once you're done :))


Re: Damn I can't stop commenting :( anonymous December 3 2009, 14:01:50 UTC
You're too kind.

*bursts into tears and pounds the floor dramatically*

Thank you, thank you, thank you TT^TT

Love, Amberose.


Hey! it's me again! anonymous December 4 2009, 11:23:58 UTC
well hello again angel ( ... )


Re: Hey! it's me again! angel_puppeteer December 4 2009, 17:24:05 UTC
um, i am really a dork :D and very clumsy XD just two days ago, i tripped and hurt my knee (it bled and lol, i really tried not to cry XD) Thank you for the vote of confidence! *huggles*

ehh, um, no BF XD i'll be exiled! lol.

my favorite fic? um, there are lots of fics that i really liked! as long as it's SasuSaku, with interesting plot, easy words (i really don't like big, sophisticated words XD) and with NO triangles (strictly no SasuXothergirlotherthanSakura). and oh, no character bashing. that's important too. :D

um book? anatomy books WITH LOTS OF PICTURES. :D and The Little Prince. After Dark, Looking Glass Wars (still searching for this book XD) and... um, picture books? XD and coloring books! yup, i'm weird :))

and a bit about me? erm, i hate milk. :D and aside from SasuSaku, i also obsessed with IchiHime. and i also loveeee Nasim! :DD

take care always! :))


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