The Future King - Chapter one

Dec 27, 2012 00:33

Title: The Future King
Read on AO3
Author: Angel_kink
Rating: PG (will go up later)
Words: ~2400 this chapter
Warning: Brief mention of actual terrorist events in this chapter, but it’s not a central focus of the story
Summary: The world is in turmoil and the Future King returns.

A/N: I’ve never written Merthur before, so I’m still learning their ( Read more... )

swimming pool for my creys, so so gay, merlin, merthur, fanfiction

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Comments 7

owensheart December 27 2012, 19:09:33 UTC
Great begining, would love to see if Merlin can make himself young again(wait what am I saying, this is Melrin OF COURSE he can)


angel_kink December 27 2012, 21:51:22 UTC


petitevanou December 27 2012, 19:52:35 UTC
what a great start, loved it, hope you update soon with a young Merlin. )


angel_kink December 27 2012, 21:50:33 UTC
DEFINITELY. Getting Merlin young again is a priority in the next chapter.


sempiternities December 28 2012, 03:06:18 UTC
I'm going to look forward to new chapters for this fic like I used to look forward to new Merlin episodes. <3 I really love it so far, and I think I'm gonna love it a lot more when it evolves! (Also, this part: "I just want something I know."... yeah right, you actually just want to be all over him and kiss his stupid face and declare your ever-lasting love, but don't feel like it while he's all old and weird, I see right through you Arthur!)


angel_kink December 28 2012, 14:45:55 UTC
lolol yeeaaah that's why I'm de-aging him pretty much XD

And thank you for reading! I'm working on chapter 2 right now :)


whatthefuckbenj December 28 2012, 21:12:28 UTC
This is a great start and just what I needed after that finale! Can't wait to see where you're going with this!


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