
Dec 19, 2012 14:07

Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw or be destroyed!

Earth Force Officer: Negative! We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.

Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari Fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your ( Read more... )

babylon 5, swimming pool for my creys, tv is srs bsns

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Comments 17

larenoz December 19 2012, 22:23:01 UTC
Yeah, gotta say, that one has always been one of my very fav lines from B5!


angel_kink December 19 2012, 22:31:10 UTC
This happens to me so much. I find a character I would gladly join a cult for. In SPN it's Cas (arguably I'm already part of a cult for him) and in BSG it's Baltar. For B5 I guess it's Delenn. I just wanted to bow down before her when she said and shout "my queen!!"


larenoz December 19 2012, 22:38:36 UTC
Hey, nothing wrong with that! She rocks that scene pretty hard! And I love me some Helo in BSG! They can't help it if they are all so pretty! :-)


angel_kink December 20 2012, 00:08:24 UTC
Just hit play on the next episode.


(The comment has been removed)

angel_kink December 20 2012, 10:02:26 UTC
FYI you told me to let you know when I watched Z'ha'dum and, well, I just did...


ria_oaks December 20 2012, 04:27:15 UTC
That is without a doubt one of my favourite scenes and lines from the show. Delenn is a fucking bad-ass and I love her. :) Isn't that entire 3-parter amazing? And if you're up to the Kosh death ep, that also means you saw the ep with the line 'I think I loved Talia' - canon, as jedinic said in your other post. :) Oh Susan. Isn't season 3 great? So many awesome episodes.


angel_kink December 20 2012, 05:01:52 UTC
Yes yes yes to all of that. Ivanava/Talia is canon. OMG. Season 3 has been amazing so far. When I got to the last episode of the 3 parter I stopped and started over from the first part again. So much happened I didn't feel like I could move on before watching them again. Now I'm nearing the end of the season. I'm filled with Sheridan/Delenn feels. OMG A HET SHIP


ria_oaks December 20 2012, 05:05:45 UTC
Season 3 is indeed so very awesome. And yeah, a lot of stuff happens in that 3-parter and so much info is dumped on the viewer! It'd be a lot to take in the first time. :)

(I love Sheridan/Delenn, too - great het pairing, and I always love watching the development of their relationship. It always makes me giggle when I go back to watch 2.01 and see the scene where he first meets her. Because he totally goes slack-jawed and ok, sure, part of that is probably "wow she's a Minbari with hair WUT", but mostly I like to think it's the immediate attraction he feels because aww.)

What ep are you up to now?


angel_kink December 20 2012, 06:33:37 UTC
I just watched 3x20. Ended with a Sheridan/Delenn kiss! FEELS


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