
Feb 23, 2012 21:02

I’m looking for 1-3 people to help me with my SuperWhoLock fic.  One person who possesses all the qualities I’m looking for would be GREAT, but if not, that’s cool too.  If you think you can do ANY part of it, that'd be great.

Anyway, this is a SuperWhoLock Big Bang.  The minimum word count is 15,000 and posting begins in late August.  That’s six ( Read more... )

writer's block, so so gay, superwholock, supernatural, i talk a lot, wait what, lol wut r these tags, slash, doctor who, dean/castiel, the doctor, castiel, i may have taken too much pain medicatio, all about castiel, non-fic, wtf, lol i a crazy person, john/sherlock, sherlock

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Comments 9

light_frost February 24 2012, 05:39:37 UTC
Since I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, grammar, and spelling, I could probably be your Alpha and Beta!


angel_kink February 24 2012, 05:42:57 UTC
OMG YAY! I added a summary to the above post so that you know what you're getting into. It's called The Demons Have The Phonebox. Established John/Sherlock with the beginnings of a romantic relationship between Dean/Cas. Also it's the 11th Doctor. :3

Sound good?


light_frost February 24 2012, 06:11:26 UTC
Sounds wonderful! Three of my favorite things. <3 My email address is chipmunklin@gmail.com, for the record. Feel free to email me whatever you have or even if you just want to bounce ideas off me or something. :3


angel_kink February 24 2012, 07:23:35 UTC
I just shared the prologue with you on Google Docs.


jetaimerai February 24 2012, 06:19:59 UTC
Like light_frost, I'm a Superwholock fan and I'm pretty damn good with spelling and grammar (part of my job IS proofreading, after all) and your fic sounds awesome, so I'd love to help out! Can't Brit Pick, but I do know some slang/dialect differences so if I spot something out of place, I'll point it out, but I can't guarantee catching everything. But because of said job and other commitments, I'm probably not going to be the most timely Alpha/Beta person but I WILL look over it!

Also, not sure how you've done this in the past, but I've recently been an Alpha/Beta to an (as-of-yet unposted) Dean/Cas fic, and she would share the fic in a google doc, which I think worked REALLY well for editing, especially with multiple people involved. Up to you how you wanna do it of course, just something to consider. :)


angel_kink February 24 2012, 06:23:33 UTC
I actually did that with my previous alpha. She uploaded it though. I never uploaded it myself, but it's probably pretty self explanatory. I'll look into it!


angel_kink February 24 2012, 07:14:54 UTC
Do you have an email address? I'll take you both on as Alpha/Betas. Good to have multiple sets of eyes on it. I'll share the prologue with you guys and if ya both end up liking the story/working with me I'll share the rest with you. :)


jetaimerai February 24 2012, 07:40:45 UTC
Yep! Mine's brichan(at)gmail.com. Can't wait to read it! :)


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