(O_o)' Fear......for Marvel, Big Bang and whatever else!

Aug 11, 2011 15:05

 Hmmm...what shall I talk - oh I know...how about Marvel comics!

What...marvel comics?  Oh yes...it's been a while hasn't it?  I specifically waited for Fear Itself #5 before I decided to talk about what was going on with the MU.  But, surprisingly...I'm going to talk about 1610 right now.  Off to the Ultimate-verse we go!

Nu!Spidey aka Ultimate Fallout #5-6 )

cap/ironman big bang, tony stark, cartoons, steve/tony, steve rogers, comics

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Comments 8

grand_duc August 11 2011, 23:25:33 UTC
I have every faith in you for the coding. Also I totaly get your procrastination. Which reminds me: editing, editing, editing...

... We're still on for the late posting date right?


angel_inoshi August 12 2011, 00:39:03 UTC
yes please XD I shall be very thankful for the more time I have <3 ahaha...[looks at work and cries] T_____T


penumbren August 12 2011, 01:08:18 UTC
Which reminds me: writing, writing, writing.... *cries in a corner*

I want the latest posting date, darn it. I'll need it. *sigh*

And I am totally excited to see what you come up with for artwork. All the hints you've dropped are terrible, terrible teases. :)


angel_inoshi August 12 2011, 01:26:34 UTC
:D I think you'll like what I come up with. I can tell you for certain, I definitely haven't seen anything like it posted to the comm before...so that's always exciting. It's hard to show you work in progress considering the nature of the work...mostly because a half finished flash file will mostly explode then work LOL XD [looks at storyboard] and stick figures with my scribbling is less then impressive. I can tell you though...I looked into Lena Horne's background so that's a part of the peice I'm doing for you.

O.O actually...I just came up with something awesome...SQUEEEEEEE it's perfect!

Tony: shouldn't you get to drawing before you plan the website? YOu haven't drawn either me or Steve yet.
Inoshi: s-shut up! And why are you here...I need you for the coding part, where's Steve? He's the one I need for the art part.


fictivore August 14 2011, 03:35:55 UTC
Ooh, hey! Yay for what looks like is going to be some spectacular art! I am so looking forward to what could possibly be a whole avalanche of long-fics and pretty art with the end of the Big Bang! And your art seems to be promising to be more than pretty, huh? (Can I call it epic? ;))

Anyway, Fallout yeah. I like the whole new!Spidey thing and well, even if they are really doing it for the points, announcing it like that just made it more blatant. Making it really be an unveiling would have been nice. And possibly not made an issue out of it, making it organically a part of the story. Still I hope the comic continues doing good. Some of the comments on the 'Reveal Article' made me pretty angry ( ... )


angel_inoshi August 15 2011, 05:41:02 UTC
lol - well I don't know if it'll be pretty [looks at artwork] D8 ....sah I feel so way behind I know I'm going to put double the effort this week...even with evil deadlines. But if I can finish all the linework by the end of this week I'll be happy. right not I have maybe a total of 3 roughs out of [calculates] maybe 30 images I need? [headesk] I just drew my first Steve and Tony pic for the Big Bangs and pretty much laughed and went DDDDDDD8 GYAAAAH! XD I'm hoping I'll get it done ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

angel_inoshi December 31 2012, 02:07:23 UTC
What I find interesting is that you had to comment on an entry over a year old on with an account that shows absolutely no activity, proceed to SPAM my journal with your link to bullshit, and all while claiming I'm just whining and want attention.

Holy smokes Batman! Whatever will I do? [cries] Some random strangers opinion has so much sway and I think I'll cry and vow to never write in my journal again! [sob] Just in case you missed the sarcasm....that was sarcasm...since apparently there is a bit of a language barrier.

LOL...Fuck you buddy. I can say whatever the hell I want on my LJ...since shocker here...it's my journal. Actually, reading over what I wrote...all I "whined" about was about Ult!Spidey...in which I have chosen to stop buying. Imagine that...voting with your dollar - genious!

The only reason why I am even responding is so you can get this message sent to you in some form and then I am blocking your ass. Go spread your spam somewhere else...


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