How to keep your finds - Calibre

Mar 24, 2018 19:01

Once you've finally found that fanfic you've been craving, you'll want to hang on to it. So I personally use a free library program called Calibre to save stuff. Talking to other fans, I learned that they are a sometimes a bit hesitant to use it because there isn't an extensive manual... so I wrote one. Here's a link to the pdf. Hopefully it's ( Read more... )

calibre library

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Comments 5

catalenamara March 24 2018, 20:08:15 UTC
Thanks for the Calibre manual! What I've been doing for reading fic:
s soon as I see anything I may want to read I save it in a Word file, and I keep a master file of the fic I've downloaded with various notes on the stories. However, I'd like to read more on my phone or tablet, but AO3 doesn't show up very well on either option. I want to see how Calibre works but I haven't had time to deal with the learning curve. So your manual is a great fine.

BTW, I've started up the kirk/spock archive project again. Would you be interested in being a volunteer proofreader again? The tech is so much better now and I have help with the OCR to text scanning so I've been able to solve one of the biggest bottlenecks with this project.


angel_grace01 March 24 2018, 22:53:24 UTC
Hi Catalenamara,

It's great to hear from you! Sure, I'd love to help out. You still have my e-mail, right? Just send me a mail.

As for Calibre, it's awesome for fannish delights. I didn't realise how well it actually works until I started this manual (the older versions weren't that accepting of non-text based formats like MP4) I wrote the manual from my own experiences, so there may be some differences if you use different devices, but feel free to get in touch if you have any additional questions. There's a vast Calibre community out there and my google-fu is pretty strong LOL!


red_day_dawning February 20 2020, 09:56:17 UTC
This is super useful. Thank you.


angel_grace01 February 20 2020, 12:26:13 UTC
Glad I could help!

One word of caution: I made that pdf a while ago, so some of it may be outdated. Not to the point of being useless, but I think especially the chapter on how to get videos could use a little tweaking.


red_day_dawning February 21 2020, 01:18:15 UTC
It has been so useful.


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