
Apr 13, 2010 04:49

In the almost 8 months we've been open, there have only been 2 entries to prompts that weren't my own. Is it worth it to keep it open? What would you like to see happen here at angel100?


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Comments 1

xlivvielockex April 13 2010, 18:17:50 UTC
Hate to say it but you probably need to pimp it out more. When I first started my comm, half of my time was spent pimping, just posting challenges every week to various BTVS/ATS comms to get people interested, linking on the Herald, etc.

And as much as I love C/A, you might want to change the header/community icon so people don't think it's a C/A only community.

Just suggestions. If you need a list, I have a mega list of comms that I pimp in.


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