So I have a new obsession...

Nov 06, 2011 12:55

A couple months ago I read Good Omens and absolutely loved it.  I moderately shipped Crowley/Aziraphale, but I didn't bother reading fic or anything.  Well last night on my tumblr dash there was a piece of Crowley/Aziraphale art and, well, just read those tags.  Suddenly it was like the potential for this ship hit me over the head and I'm like "lol time to read fanfic."

And Oh.  My.  God.  It is amazing.  I've found a new OTP.  And don't get me wrong.  Dean/Cas is my OTP of all OTP's, but Crowley/Aziraphale fucking exploded in my brain last night.  I ended up staying awake until 2:00am (but with the time change it was actually 3:00am just so, you know, you have some perspective here) reading fic and then I woke up at 6:00 and JUST HAD TO READ MORE and now I'm awake and I'm like OMGOMGOMG NEED MORE.

Anyway, here are some of the standout ones I read last night:

A Diamond in the Sky Above the Titanic *ADDED 2/10/12*
Beautiful, amazing, heart breaking.  At first I overlooked it because I thought the concept sounded cheesy, but it absolutely isn't! Just read it.  This is my favorite fic for the pairing so far.

This one if fucking beautiful, but very very angsty.  And I usually don't like angst.  BUT IT HURT SO GOOD.

Prodigal Son 
There's also some angst here, but it's very sweet.

NONE ANGST yummy sex happy fun times it is awesome.  Picks up immediately after the book.

Very cracky.  Hilarious.  Wonderful.  Crowley and Aziraphale join the mile high club.

Here Comes The Morning:
Sneaky Aziraphale.  Adorable.

All Bets Are Off:  
More sneaky Aziraphale and poor love struck Crowley.  This was the first fic I read.

Edit: Best part?  Wing!kink exists here too! KDHGUISDFKJFGHFASFLDJK

so so gay, crowley/aziraphale, good omens, recs, slash

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