Official TV Show Rec List

Mar 30, 2012 01:12

I was tired of having my rec list span multiple posts, so I'm putting it all here together.

First and foremost I'd like to recommend my favorite show of all time, Carnivale.

Now it's not for everyone, I admit, but I still recommend that you give it a shot.  If you aren't feeling it after episode 4, this show is not for you.   It's slow, has a rich and complicating mythology, and often sacrifices narrative advancement for the sake of character development.  That said, I truly think this show is a work of art.  The costumes, the sets, the camera work, the editing; it's all incredibly well done.

Carnivale takes place during the dust bowl and follows two simultaneously developing storylines.   The first focuses on Ben Hawkins, a poor farm boy who's mother dies at the height of the drought.   He finds himself taken in by a traveling carnival that is filled with it's own secrets and mysteries.   The other storyline focuses on Brother Justin, a minister in California.  Both men possess unique abilities and are inexplicably linked together.  It takes a while for this good vs. evil storyline to get going, but if you stick with it, it's worth it.

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And now on to the rest of the rec list.  I've divided it into two parts:

Supernatural/Science Fiction Shows

Supernatural/Science Fiction Shows

Doctor Who

This is a big, long, hugely popular show that is a bit intimidating to get in to.  Technically it's over 30 seasons long, but for the purposes of this recommendation I'm only going to be discussing "New Who" starting with the ninth Doctor.  If you want to start with New Who you can start with the episode called Rose.  This means you have about six seasons worth of show to catch up on.  If you are tight on time, I'd recommend starting with season 5 with the episode The Eleventh Hour.  This season has a new show runner, a new doctor, new companions, and entirely new "vibe" to it.

Personally 5 and 6 are my favorite seasons so far, but if you skip 1-4 you miss amazing things like Blink (the introduction of the Weeping Angels) and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead (the introduction of River Song).  These two things play important roles in season 5-6.  Also, they are written by the show runner for 5-6, so if you like those two seasons you'll probably like these episodes anyway.

So where should you start?  Well, let me give you the trailers for the respective starting places and you can decide on your own.


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The Eleventh Hour (technically shown at the end of the episode as there was no trailer for the episode itself):

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Game of Thrones

I'm usually not into this type of fantasy show.  Swords and castles and dragon and, yeah, just not my thing.  But this show just gripped me from the very first episode and I had to keep watching.  As the title suggests, a huge portion of the drama centers around battling for the Iron Throne, which is the seat of the "Seven Kingdoms" of Westeros.  But that's not the only problem. Winter is coming.  And in a world where winter can last years, winter is a very big deal.  And this winter in particular is bringing some unexpected hardships for the kingdom.

My description doesn't do it justice.  Just watch it.

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The Walking Dead

Part zombie show.  Part amazing drama.  Unlike a zombie movie, the television format gives this apocalyptic scenario room to move beyond the basic tropes of the genre.  Characters have a chance to grow past the "oh shit, zombie stage" and develop into something really interesting.  There is definitely gore, but it's very high on drama.  There are some episodes where there is hardly any blood shed.  So get used to a steady mix of both.  If that sounds appealing to you, give it a shot!

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Battlestar Galactica

Science  Fiction at it's finest.  It's gritty.   It's dramatic.  It has a rich mythology and well constructed universe.  And it's surprisingly realistic for a Sci Fi show.  The cinematography and sound effects make you feel in the moment and very much a part of the action.  The religious themes tend to bother some people, but if you are reading my blog you probably don't have a problem with that.  I mean, you're probably here because you watch Supernatural, right?  Right.  So the word "God" or "Gods" isn't going to make you roll your eyes and shut it off.  That's a good thing!  Because you'd be missing one of the best science fiction shows on TV.

Start with the two part mini-series and then move on to the episode titled "33."   The mini-series is a good indicator of whether or not this show is for you.  If you've toughed it out and are still liking it, move on to the series.

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Honestly if you don't watch Supernatural, how did you find my blog?  I really can't say anything about it.  I'm not sure if I recommend it to someone who isn't completely aware of what they're getting into.  It's sucked me in and now I HAVE A LOT OF FEELS and it HURTS.  So do you want to feel a lot of pain in your chest?  Want to HAVE FEELS that you can't get rid of?  Watch Supernatural.

This show, man.  This show.


Queer as Folk

Do you like slash? Do you like long R+ romance fics complete with plot, fluff, and porn? Then why haven't you watched Queer as Folk? It's basically that, but in TV show format. The romance in this show is incredibly well written and, hey, they just happen to get naked a lot. Yes, this is difficult show to watch if you fear someone peaking over your shoulder as you're watching it, but it's well worth it.  There are lots of FEELS and amazingly beautiful moments as well as a lot of thumpa thumpa dance music and steamy sex scenes.  If you aren't sold on it yet, well, it probably isn't for you.

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This show is a piece of art.  Each season consists of 3 90-minute episodes and every episode is like a high quality mini movie.  Yes, there are long waits between seasons, but it's worth it.  It takes the classic ACD stories and sets them in modern day London.  And I assure you, you don't have to have any background of the original work to appreciate the story.  They take the original canon and update it and make it their own while still paying tribute and respecting the original works.

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And for you slash fans out there, John and Sherlock are so canon it hurts.  There are jokes about them being a couple on the show itself.  In fact, my conservative homophobic aunt refused to watch past the first episode because it was "too gay."  So... maybe that's not really an endorsement on her part, but it's definitely one from me!


I am a proud Cumberbitch and I have no regrets.  I think he's one of the sexiest men alive and his voice is beyond amazing.

Six Feet Under

I stand by my opinion that this show has the best finale of any show in existence.  It's five seasons long and it drags a bit during season 4, but if you make it to the end you will be rewarded with the most tear jerking and yet ultimately satisfying final sequence ever.

The show is about the Fisher family who run a funeral home in Los Angeles.  After the death of the family patriarch they are forced to confront death not from the side of a business, but from the side of loved ones dealing with tragedy.  For five seasons you watch these flawed, yet realistic characters make mistakes, fall in and out of love, and ultimately grow as people.  It's beautiful and captivating.

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The Fabourg Treme is known as being not only one of the oldest historically black neighborhoods in the country, but also home to many of the most amazing musicians and artists in the world.    It's the home of jazz and known for it's strong traditions such as Mardi Gras  Indians and  Jazz Funerals.    It was also devastated by Hurricane Katrina.  Treme picks up just a few months after the storm and chronicles the lives of several musicians and residents as they attempt to recover.

I admit that I'm biased here.    New Orleans is where my heart belongs.  I you aren't as interested in the culture as I am, this show might not be as fascinating.    Some people consider it a "Love Letter to  New Orleans."    However,  I recommend you give the first two episodes a shot before you completely dismiss it.

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Big Love

This show is no longer on the air, but I found it fascinating.  The topic of Polygamy (and Polyamory) is very interesting to me and this takes a look at it through the lens Mormonism.  Strangely enough, there's a definite feminist slant to it which I did NOT expect.

The first three seasons are excellent, but season 4 and 5, well, kind of go off the rails.

Boardwalk Empire

Basically, Steve Buscemi is a BAMF motherfucker in Atlantic City who essentially owns the Boardwalk.  When prohibition kicks in he takes it as an opportunity to control the local liquor trade.  This, of course, leads to run ins with various factions of the mafia, dramatic shootouts, lots of sex, cursing, popping skulls and...  romance?  Yes.  It's fucking awesome.

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This is not a complete list of the shows I watch.  For that you can go over here.  This is just a list of the shows I recommend to others.  Hope you find something new and exciting on this list!

I will be updating this list continuously as I find shows worthy of being put on it.

hbo whore, carnivale, tv is srs bsns, so so gay, boardwalk empire, supernatural, big love, recs, i talk a lot, my tags amuse me, wait what, benedict cumberbatch, look at my life look at my choices, lol wut r these tags, slash, game of thrones, pimping stuff, treme, non-fic, battlestar galactica, wtf, welcome to crazyville, six feet under, queer as folk, lol gifs, lol i a crazy person, i'm on a tag creating spree today, sherlock, random

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