One of my favorite vidders of all-time,
nvrbnkisst, has done it again. She punched me in the heart.
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PLEASE FEED THE VIDDER Can I flail about the song choice for a minute here? YES I CAN. And the way this vid is filled with so much emotion, so much pain, and so much love. Can you feel the love, how it was made with love? Gah. I LOVE YOU ANNE. THANK YOU.
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Comments 47
I love her vids, and this new one is fantastic. I'm gonna have to give it another few viewings to fully digest it. My fav video of hers is still Untouchable because it just guts me. I still break down crying while watching it. I love that we have such a wonderful vidder who can get at the heart of depression.
Haha, it's entirely possible the situation hasn't escalated recently with new haterade, but it still feels ~out there~. Like how there's sharks in the ocean. They're ~out there~. I saw Jaws. I KNOW.
I just woke up from a nap and after watching that vid, it made my issues rise up. So it's not like anything new has happened, but my memory is long and I know things haven't changed in certain sectors. Sigh.
I'm gonna have to give it another few viewings to fully digest it.
Yeah, same. I had to watch it a few times to fully digest it. Oh gah. Untouchable just kills me. That one, this one, The Ones Who Stand. LOVE.
I love that we have such a wonderful vidder who can get at the heart of depression.
Seriously. So grateful for her work on so many levels.
Worse than that, there are JELLYFISH in the ocean! You wanna know the most dangerous swarming animal? JELLYFISH! More people die of brutal jellyfish attacks than shark attacks in a year. And the scary part? JELLYFISH NEVER DIE! They're immortal unless you stab them through the heart with a wooden stake. AND THEY HAVE NO HEART.
I have a thing against jellyfish. I'm aware of this.
Okay, so warning here. This is a horror story.
My brother and I were at the beach with my mom. I was about nine years old at the time. And the water had been fenced off for some reason (maybe 'cause of the JELLYFISH???) so we were chillin'. And I'm floating on a raft, having fun, enjoying myself, and then my brother sees a jellyfish and he freaks out and jumps on the raft with me. I fall out. I get stung by the EVIL JELLYFISH. I cry.
Jellyfish suck. :(
Agreed, echoed, heard.
BLASPHEMY! Buffy is AWESOME. The fact that she was torn from heaven and dealt with it as well as she did, all the while fighting the good fight, makes her EVEN MORE AWESOME! *huggles Buffy and glares at the haters*
As for Buffy-haters ... to. the. left.
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