WIP: Kink Bingo "Costume" Picspam

Jun 03, 2010 17:53

This is the (very rough) beta version of a PGE picspam intended for kink bingo's "costume" card. I've collected images up to chapter 47 (and am wondering if I should try to gather images from all 97 chapters currently available. Thoughts?)

Any thoughts--especially regarding organization--would be met with much happiness. If you notice me doing anything failtastic with regards to Japanese clothing, please do point out my mistake.


The Wallflower (also known as Perfect Girl Evolution and Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge) is a manga by Tomoko Hayakawa. The series has also been adapted into an anime and a live action drama, but my focus is on the manga.

Four super gorgeous high school boys (Kyohei, Takanaga, Yuki, and Ranmaru) are promised free rent by their landlady if they can transform her niece into a proper young lady. With their combined skills, the boys think, they'll be living rent free in no time flat.

And then they meet Sunako.

She loves blood, and corpses, and is happiest left alone in a dark room with a pile of horror movies and her anatomical models. The sight of "creatures of the light" gives her a massive nosebleed, and makes her fear for her life. Sunako eventually moves past the "trying to kill you" stage of her relationship with her new roommates, but she never loses her edge.

PGE certainly has it's flaws, but no one can deny that it owns it's kinks. In fact, the series would work quite well for any number of Kink Bingo squares. The manga-ka loves dressing her characters in a wide variety of costumes, which we'll be exploring a bit below the cut. As a bonus--and this is hard to avoid in PGE!--there's a bit of bondage to go along with the costumes.

While the manga-ka is fond of costumes, playboy Ranmaru is the character who enjoys dressing up in-canon. The other characters may choose--or be forced into--various costumes, but Ranmaru is the one character who truly revels in dressing up.










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