Last night, I couldn't get to sleep for thinking. Perhaps, if I still had a room to myself, I could have calmed myself down into tiredness via the usual pacing and talking to myself... Alas, though the roommate situation has improved immeasurably, I'd hate to interrupt his simultaneous watching of House and solving Chemistry formulas. So I had to
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Comments 22
I would publish a devastatingly polite response in the QC, explaining the purpose of a theater review (as opposed to a press release or advertisement) and the meaning and intent of 'trannie-fierce.' Of course, I don't have to deal with these prima donnas on a regular basis....
* is appalled *
"One would hope that artists, placing themselves upon the stage for the express purpose of public consumption, would be aware that this action by necessity lays them open to not only criticism, but the sharpest of barbs, which they in turn must endure with a smile and elegant turn of the cheek." Or does that sound too pretentious?
Also I have your Questionable Content print FINALLY.
But yeah, like I said, I have friends in the production (just a few, and not *really* close), but I just didn't want to offend and don't see how I have.
Write your response, Andy. You can be polite if you want. But if it were me, I'd drive the knife even deeper, especially pointing out how her point of view is biased since she was in the show and assistant directed it. ALWAYS gotta point out bias. It's the biggest of all written knives...well, that and scandalous evidence of embezzlement/affairs/crazy ex-Whittier presidents giving drugs to guys and sleeping with them.
You get the idea.
At any rate, I seem to be vacillating with it all over the place, trying to be decorous, then changing my mind, getting really incensed, than pulling back...
You wrote an honest review and at the end you had praise for the production for what it was. If the bitch can't take criticism then maybe she should get out of the damn theater business, amirite?
But there are so many things wrong with her e-mail that I cannot let stand--her pre-emption of what is offensive to the GLBT community, her denigration of another student organization, her attack on free speech and presumption on what the QC is supposed to do... I want to make a public statement about the misguidedness of these views.
I'm leery of talking to any of the theater people 'cause I don't know if I have the energy for it. But maybe that would be better than starting a textual war...-_-
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